Anonymous ID: e9ac47 Sept. 11, 2018, 6:28 p.m. No.2983590   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3698 >>3746 >>3767 >>3901

I'm beginning to think some of the anti Q players (AJ, Corsi, Prosobiec, etc.) are part of the plan, creating discourse on whether Q is fake or not will make more people wonder and question the validity of Q, most all of the Q denouncers were and are strong Trump supporters, Q is totally pro Trump, so why the harsh criticism of Q from them, dosen't make sense to me unless they are doing it to help Trump by keeping the conversation going, getting people to find answers for themselves.


Recent Q post says AJ is Mossad, Posobiec is fake, Corsi Mossad and testifying with Mueller, etc. , I'm thinking Trump is probably working with Netanyahu and Mossad, wouldn't be surprised if Jared is Mossad. Same post Q also mentioned OANN (One America News Network) as being fake (or GOOD, it's confusing what Q is implying). Posobiec is a regular on OANN, Q posted Posobiec trying to debunk Q. I thought it interesting that Bannon's new movie Trump@War is going to be shown exclusively on OANN tomorrow, Bannon's movie is pro Trump, makes me think Q and Bannon are sending people to this news network for a reason, wouldn't be surprised if Bannon is behind the network. It's all getting too confusing, too many players, too many layers, many things aren't making sense, too much info for a common person to be able to absorb without study and discernment, maybe Bannon's movie will be the big set up Trump's been waiting for to inform more of the people about what is about to happen?