It Hammertime. User name is stardust_1416
I think in 14-16days hammer drops. after kav confirmation
It Hammertime. User name is stardust_1416
I think in 14-16days hammer drops. after kav confirmation
No. POTUS does. He will pull them back last minute, but the people are prepared now (without civil unrest/panic) and the power outages will go unquestioned. It’s genius really.
Look up Hurricane Erin flight path on 9/11. Was on a collision course with New York City and at the LAST second turns the opposite direction and disappears. (They) did that to keep the skies clear. POTUS also always has a sense of poetic justice in doing exactly what they did back to them. Godspeed patriot.
Me too. My 13,343 time feeling it!
When “the storm” moves in. Q has mentioned at least 2-3 times power will go out in select areas during “the storm”. They will not be as suspect if there is a hurricane nearby.
We don’t doxx Q newfriend
No but there is plausible deniability when “the lights go out”
Anyone know if removing batteries from a flashlight will prevent it from being fried during an EMP
Anyway to do that without faraday/microwave?