You can get all the info Q provides by just following along on Twitter.
The rest, and interesting stuff comes from you. Which is subsequently used in Q's posts.
You can get all the info Q provides by just following along on Twitter.
The rest, and interesting stuff comes from you. Which is subsequently used in Q's posts.
My advice is to demand more, you deserve it.
After all, YOU are the ones that have a voice. You can ask for anything.
If you don't get your answer, remember one thing.
In a 'just' society, wouldn't we have figured this whole thing out? What's the delay? Who's in charge? Where's the justice?
Don't rely on Q to give you all the answers. The best thing you can do is … get off the couch and get a job.
Accept the fact that you've been led a strayed. Q is the master of it. Leave it/loose it and get on with your life.
Don't waste anymore of your time on this.
I've seen you here before. I'd bet many others have seen you as well.
After all, logic rules the day.
Forget about Q, its about you.
Sorry, Q - But you haven't delivered.
And I'll be here, watching, to call you out until you deliver your word.
Who's watching the watchers?
There's so much noise. Can you speak up?