911 came and went.
The jews get to add another notch to their "how many years can we fool the goy and get away with it" belt.
Dead Americans. Huge national debt. Oh, and we gave Israel a minimum of 47 BILLION dollars in aid in that time.
911 came and went.
The jews get to add another notch to their "how many years can we fool the goy and get away with it" belt.
Dead Americans. Huge national debt. Oh, and we gave Israel a minimum of 47 BILLION dollars in aid in that time.
Never going to happen.
I agree with you 100%.
If these bitches are not brought to heel under the rule of law, the only other option is to do it the other way.
If the midterms misfire, it will be an instant disaster.
Those people trapped in that tower and the grim fate they suffered make me so angry.
Even more so to know that our own government was complicit.
We will continue to be the slaves we are and worse over time if we don't get our money back.
Just don't see it happening anytime soon. Especially when everyone in the US is a brainwashed Jew loving loon.
If we have no self-respect, why would other people respect us?
In mid September, I print out a complete Talmud, written in Hebrew. Even though I reduced the font considerably, to print the entire thing out takes almost 7 full reams of paper, and that is printing it on both sides of the paper.
On the full moon closest to Halloween, I soak the pages in kerosene.
On All Hallows Eve, I call forth the Gods of Samhain.
Then I offer up the jews to the Gods of Samhain as a sacrifice, and I throw the Talmud right into the fire.
It is awesome and powerful. You can almost hear the jews scream from the depths of Hell.
It is a time to rejoice!
I do the same thing on Beltane.
We have been doing this every year since 2006.