Anonymous ID: 5c4b05 Sept. 11, 2018, 9:06 p.m. No.2985859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6014 >>6060 >>6261 >>6392 >>6451 >>6528

Obama-Hillary Fired Benghazi Heroes When they Got to Germany – Made Them Find Their Own Way Back to US (VIDEO)


Barack Obama knew about the Benghazi Consulate terror attacks 90 minutes after they began on 9-11.


The attack in Benghazi took place in two waves at the consulate and lasted several hours.


Libyan “looters” (terrorists) found the body of Ambassador Chris Stevens hours after the attack began.


FOX News Special Report said the president knew about the attacks three hours after they began.

Obama went to bed.


US military contractors battled Islamist extremists for 13 hours while Obama slept.


Today is the sixth anniversary of the Islamist attacks on the US consulate in Benghazi.


On Tuesday former Congressman Jason Chaffetz told Sean Hannity the rest of the story.


Chaffetz was the first US lawmaker to arrive in Benghazi after the attacks.


Tonight Chaffetz told Sean Hannity that the Benghazi heroes were fired after the arrived in Germany after the attacks.


Obama-Hillary fired them and they had to find their own way back to America.


And then the Obama admin took away their security clearances so they could no longer get work inside the government.


Jason Chaffetz: You know what happened when they actually got home? Those people saved dozens of American lives. When they got home you know what the State Department, Hillary’s State Department did? They took away their security clearance so they couldn’t get a job. It’s unbelievable. That’s how they treated these guys. When they were there in Germany. When they were there in Germany. They didn’t send them home. They didn’t offer them plane tickets. They just told them they were released. They had to pay for their own plane tickets to get home.

Anonymous ID: 5c4b05 Sept. 11, 2018, 9:08 p.m. No.2985880   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Paul Craig Roberts: Armageddon Rides In The Balance


For some time I have pointed out the paradox of the American liberal/progressive/left being allied with the CIA, FBI, military/security complex and deep state. Now leftist Ann Garrison has noticed the paradox of this alliance. She concludes that the left has lost its mind.


Indeed, it has.


Out of its hatred of Trump the left has united with the forces of evil and war that are leading to conflict with Russia. The left’s hatred of Trump shows that the American left has totally separated from the interests of the working class, which elected Trump. The American left has abandoned the working class for the group victimizations and hatreds of Identity Politics. As Hillary put it, the working class comprises the “Trump deplorables.” The Democratic Party, like the Republicans, represents the ruling oligarchy.


I have explained that the leftwing lost its bearings when the Soviet Union collapsed and socialism gave way to neoliberal privatizations. The moral fury of the leftwing movement had to go somewhere, and it found its home in Identity Politics in which the white heterosexual male takes the place of the capitalist, and his victim groups—blacks, women, homosexuals, illegal immigrants - take the place of the working class.


The consequences of the leftwing’s alliance with warmongers and liars is the leftwing’s loss of veracity. The left has endorsed a CIA orchestration - “Russiagate” - for which there is no known evidence, but which the left supports as proven truth.


The purpose of “Russiagate” is to prevent President Trump from normalizing relations with Russia. In these times when so many Americans are hard pressed, normal relations could adversely impact the budget and power of the military/security complex by reducing the “Russian threat.” If there is no real Russian threat, only an orchestrated perceived one, the question arises: why does the military/security complex have a taxpayer-supported annual budget of $1,000 billion dollars?


The presstitutes have kept the truth from emerging that the “Russiagate” investigation has found no sign of a Trump/Putin plot to steal the 2016 presidential election from Hillary. Indeed, it has been proven beyond all questioning that the Hillary emails were not hacked but were downloaded on a thumb drive. This proof collapses the entire premise of “Russiagate.”

Anonymous ID: 5c4b05 Sept. 11, 2018, 9:14 p.m. No.2985948   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5976

House Leader McCarthy slams Google bias and demands answers over explosive report


House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) indicated Tuesday that Google would be made to answer questions in front of Congress about an explosive report that the company made a “silent donation” to help Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.


“An invite will be on its way.”


McCarthy listed his grievances against the behemoth internet search engine in a tweet Tuesday.


“Claims to be fair, but gave a ‘silent donation’ to a left-wing group to stop Trump,” McCarthy said, referring to a report that an email from Eliana Murillo, Google’s former head of multicultural marketing, outlined support that the company gave to help Clinton in the election.


“Works w/ China/Russia to censor the internet, but cancelled a contract with our military,” he added, referring to accommodations the company made to allow China to filter out websites it deemed a threat.


“Ignores Senate hearing,” he said, referring to a hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee on foreign entities influencing the U.S. election that Google ignored while Twitter and Facebook attended.


“It’s time for @Google to answer some [questions],” he concluded. “An invite will be on its way.”


A “silent donation” to Hillary


The Google email was reportedly obtained by Tucker Carlson on Fox News, who spoke about it on his show Tuesday.


“In her email, Murillo touts Google’s multifaceted efforts to boost Hispanic turnout in the election,” Carlson reported. “She knows that Latinos voted in record-breaking numbers, especially in states like Florida, Nevada, and Arizona.”


The 2016 email, according to Carlson, called the efforts a “silent donation” to the Hillary Clinton campaign.


Google responded to the report and denied that the email was evidence of partisan bias, but instead said that the efforts were not officially taken by the company.

Anonymous ID: 5c4b05 Sept. 11, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.2985968   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6033 >>6075 >>6085 >>6086 >>6261 >>6451 >>6528

WATCH: Bald eagle’s surprise appearance at 9/11 tribute stuns firefighters: ‘Unbelievable’


The city of Coon Rapids, Minnesota, honors the memory of the victims and first responders who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, every year.


This year, during the 17th annual remembrance, a surprise visitor added a special flare to the ceremony, according to the Minneapolis Star-Tribune.


A bald eagle landed on top of a firetruck flag display during the ceremony, and the fire chief caught it on video.


“There’s no better symbol to represent America today than a flag but then for an eagle to land on a fire truck holding a flag, I mean, it doesn’t get much more symbolic than that,”Andover Fire Department Fire Chief Jerry Streich said, KARE-TV reports.


The eagle perched on top of the display for just under a minute before flying off, creating a special moment that has spread quickly across the internet as an inspiring visual.


“Look what landed on top of the aerial on 9/11,” Streich said in the video clip. “Isn’t that unbelievable? This eagle just landed on the aerial while we’re doing the 9/11 memorial. Phenomenal.”


Streich said they’ve been getting phone calls from across the country about the video, which was posted originally on Facebook and has been viewed more than a million times.


“We couldn’t have asked for anything more patriotic,” Streich said.

Remembering the fallen


When terrorists hijacked four commercial airplanes on Sept.11, 2001, 2,753 people were killed after the first two crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. Of that number, 343 were New York City firefighters, 23 were New York City police officers, and 37 were Port Authority officers.


When American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon, 184 people were killed. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, crashed in Pennsylvania after passengers and crew attempted to retake control of the plane. 40 passengers and crew members were killed.

Anonymous ID: 5c4b05 Sept. 11, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.2986003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6038 >>6060 >>6099 >>6202 >>6261 >>6451 >>6528

Cardinal Wuerl To Meet With The Pope About RESIGNATION


Cardinal Donald Wuerl announced Tuesday that he will meet with Pope Francis soon to discuss his resignation in order to bring healing to abuse survivors.


Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington, made the announcement in a letter to the priests of the archdiocese, saying that the decision was “an essential aspect” of helping the church as whole heal from the recent revelations rampant sexual abuse and cover-ups found the Pennsylvania grand jury report and further allegations from other members of the clergy. (RELATED: Cardinal Wuerl Allegedly Informed Of McCarrick Allegations In 2017, While Seminarians Took McCarrick To Casinos And A Beach House)


Several prominent D.C. Catholics and groups of sexual abuse survivors demanded Wuerl’s resignation in light of the grand jury report’s finding that he protected predatory priests and kept them in ministry during his tenure as bishop of Pittsburgh. Resignation demands intensified after archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano released an 11-page letter detailing Wuerl’s alleged knowledge of and failure to confront Theodore McCarrick’s alleged abuses.


“It was clear that some decision, sooner rather than later, on my part is an essential aspect so that this archdiocesan Church we all love can move forward,” Wuerl wrote. “As a fruit of our discernment I intend, in the very near future, to go to Rome to meet with our Holy Father about the resignation I presented nearly three years ago, November 12, 2015.”


It is customary for bishops to tender resignation letters to the pope once they reach 75 years of age.


Those who have demanded Wuerl’s resignation include Karl Racine, the attorney general of Washington, Patricia McGuire, president of Trinity Washington University, faculty in Holy Trinity School in Georgetown, Deacon James Garcia, and sex abuse survivors.


Wuerl has consistently denied having any knowledge of McCarrick’s alleged abuses before the media made those claims public, but critics have contested that, saying he should have known about the settlements his predecessor paid to seminarians he allegedly abused. The cardinal attempted to preemptively defend his record as the bishop of Pittsburgh hours before the Pennsylvania report was released, but the report only led to further criticism of his failures to address, and what some have called his enabling of, sexual abuse.


So great was the furor over Wuerl’s failures and his attempts to protect himself that some parishioners openly shamed him during a speech he delivered at a mass in D.C. in which he asked for parishioners’ support of himself and Francis. The Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle announced that Wuerl would be hosting a Mass of healing for sexual abuse victims on Sept. 14, but critics argued that victims would not receive “genuine healing” until he resigned.


“Our discernment here, I believe, has indicated the way forward to bring healing and a new beginning at the service of this Church,” Wuerl wrote.

Anonymous ID: 5c4b05 Sept. 11, 2018, 9:20 p.m. No.2986026   🗄️.is 🔗kun

REPORT: Manafort Is Talking To Mueller About Reaching Plea Deal In Second Trial


President Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort is discussing a possible plea deal with the special counsel’s office ahead of his second trial, The Washington Post reported Tuesday, citing anonymous sources.


The negotiations might not result in a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller, the report notes. Mueller is prosecuting Manafort for alleged money laundering and lobbying violations.


Manafort was convicted in August in an Alexandria federal court on eight counts of bank and tax fraud. Prosecutors accused him of avoiding taxes on more than $16 million he earned in the early 2010s through consulting work in Ukraine.


His attorney, Kevin Downing, said July 31 there was “no chance” his client would flip and cooperate with prosecutors.


Trump has expressed support for his former campaign chairman’s willingness to stay mum. Prosecutors “applied tremendous pressure on him and … he refused to ‘break’ — make up stories in order to get a ‘deal,'” he wrote on Twitter in August shortly before Manafort’s conviction. “Such respect for a brave man!”


District Judge Amy Berman Jackson re-scheduled the pretrial hearing Tuesday in the case from Wednesday to Friday. Court filings did not indicate the reason for the delay. Jury selection for the second trial begins Monday, with opening statements scheduled for Sept. 24. (RELATED: Manafort Attempted To Work Out Plea Deal In Upcoming Second Trial But To No Avail)


The Wall Street Journal reported Aug. 27 that discussions about a possible plea deal broke down. Manafort’s plea discussions occurred as a Virginia jury was spending four days deliberating tax and bank fraud charges.

Anonymous ID: 5c4b05 Sept. 11, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.2986069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

17 years after 9/11, Al-Qaeda rebranded by US government & media as besieged rebels


Seventeen years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the US government and media outlets have decided that Al-Qaeda is now a rebel group worthy of our sympathy. The cynical narrative change is par for the course, experts told RT.


As somber newspaper headlines mark the anniversary of the devastating attacks, some commentators have pointed out that the terrorist group accused of murdering 3,000 Americans seventeen years ago is now occupying northeastern Syria – with the US threatening to take military action if the "rebels" are evicted from the region by the Syrian army and its allies.

The United States has spent an estimated $1.5 trillion on its Global War Against Terrorism, launched in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks, but the United States now seems to find itself providing diplomatic cover – not to mention excellent press – to the terrorists that it once vowed to eradicate.


The majority of Syria's Idlib province is controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a State Department-designated terrorist group that is regarded as indistinguishable from Al-Qaeda. But the US has signaled that it will respond militarily to any efforts by Damascus to evict the internationally-recognized terrorist group from its last stronghold in Syria, with the New York Times even fawning over the jihadists as "a de facto governmental authority, facilitating trade across the long border with Turkey and organizing aid deliveries." What happened?

Never forget?


Even as social media fills up with maudlin GIFs vowing to "Never Forget" the September 11 attacks, one of the reasons that Al-Qaeda has been able to remain in Idlib is because Americans have actually "forgotten," analysts say.

Anonymous ID: 5c4b05 Sept. 11, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.2986192   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chinese-Russian Defense Drills Illustrate Growing Alliance - Analyst


With Russia kicking off its joint military drills with Chinese soldiers on Tuesday as presidents from both respective countries met on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum, international affairs and security analyst Mark Sleboda told Sputnik that a strong alliance is brewing in the East.


The Vostok-2018 drills, which will be held at five military training grounds and in the waters of the Sea of Japan, will involve more than 300,000 troops, 36,000 tanks, 1,000 aircraft and 80 warships and support vessels. Roughly 3,200 members of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) will join in on the drills, according to Al Jazeera.


The start of the drills also coincided with the beginning of a three-day economic meeting in Vladivostok, at which Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin were spotted in a pancake-cooking showdown. The meeting also comes amid escalating tensions on the trade war front between the US and China and US-led sanctions against Russia.


Sleboda told Radio Sputnik's Loud & Clear on Tuesday the military drills are the largest ever carried out by the Soviet Union or Russia and highlight a growing partnership between China and Russia.


"This is about the military, the political, the economic and even the cultural relationship, and this isn't just the biggest military exercise since the fall out the Soviet Union, actually," he told hosts Brian Becker and John Kiriakou. "This is the largest military drill either Russia or the Soviet Union has ever had, and it is a domestic military drill."


"It's showing again that this military, political, economic strategic partnership… is becoming an alliance," he stressed, before adding that the budding union is all thanks to the US' behavior toward both countries.


"The US has economically, militarily and politically pushed and pushed and pushed China in the South China Sea, a trade war, tariffs, sanctions and the same things with Russia," he told Becker. "They keep pushing and pushing and pushing, and they are doing everything possible to make the worst geopolitical nightmare."


For Sleboda, the Trump administration's policies are creating a "whole new ball game, geopolitically." And he's not alone in this opinion.


Fyodor Lukyanov, the editor of Russia in Global Affairs, told Al Jazeera for an article published Monday that China and Russia getting closer is a direct response to the US.


"Clearly we can see a growing rapprochement between Russia and China because of the very assertive line against both countries by the United States. And in this regard we can say that [US President] Donald Trump is the major patron of the Russian-Chinese closer relationship," he said.


Following talks with Xi, Putin told reporters that Russia and China will continue to advocate the use of national currencies in bilateral transactions, noting that such a move would help to "increase the stability of banking services for export-import amid continuing risks in the global markets."


Military drills will take place until September 17 and will coincide with NATO's Rapid Trident 2018 drills in Ukraine, which are expected to end on September 15, Sputnik reported.

Anonymous ID: 5c4b05 Sept. 11, 2018, 9:42 p.m. No.2986255   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6307



But Q said get ready x 100 times! Heavy sarcasm.


I think it is going to be up to us to deal with this particular issue! Greater Israel project rolls on, Syria FF expected any day now. Cabal instigating fresh wars in Iraq and North Africa.


Unless Q actually does something to wake the world up (((they))) will just subvert our efforts and lead us to the slaughter!!


I back the Anon's and our work!