At what temperature does steel bend?
425°C. EUfag? Nice to have you if so. Less than 1000°. When doing live fire burns with hay and pallets as a fire source, we can easily reach 800°F+ in an enclosed structure. Add modern furnishings made of petroleum based contents and the temps go to 1200°F plus.
F*uck them. This has been a slide for days. Im tired of this shit. I'm fine to debate it, but now is a time for remeberence of the souls who lost their lives that day
Yep. And it feels good sometimes to get in there to sweat it out before putting the wet stuff on the red stuff.
Ah, quick draw faggot screaming about 9/11. Those virgins are waiting for you. Better go join them.
3 jpegs. Case closed. Try harder faggot.
Why is that Dutch oven? Looked at your own post history?
You have something to say or are these your rememberence pictures?
And I'm sure you've been this vocal the last 17 years. Go f*uck yourself
Kys faggot. Shekels for you upon meeting your virgins.