Anonymous ID: addf59 Sept. 11, 2018, 9:32 p.m. No.2986148   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>What I notice here lately, is that there is a dedicated team who white knights every thread for one group - but does anyone have a devoted 24x7 team to white knight for Muslims? Philipinos? Communists? Catholics? Jesuits? Freemasons? Mexicans?


Nope. It is only when you mention a group that makes up the smallest percentage of the population, that you get instantly shilled by retards and bots, all across the net, 24 hours a day, consistently, on any and all websites, in the most ludicrous and immature manner. They are HAPPY to have you rip apart other groups. Anything but discussing (((them)))


They are the origin of the myth of the vampire (if you can even call it a myth at this point). When I find a shred of evidence that ashkenazi hivite vampires aren't at the heart of all of this, I will be the first to fucking admit it!

Anonymous ID: addf59 Sept. 11, 2018, 10:04 p.m. No.2986426   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>We're supposed to pretend it's not there, we don't see it and for fuck's sake, not mention it!!


That, I cannot do any longer.


I already went way out of my way to avoid it. Especially when I initialy came out of the occult newage world and started biblefagging. I had a whole phase where I memorized the hebrew alphabet, learned to draw all the letters. Studied the holidays. Watched a ton of jewish material. During this time I did the bulk of my VATICAN / CATHOLIC research. I read all the Tupper Sausy material, studied the council of trent, church fathers etc…


Again, again, and again I kept running into jewish subversion and ignoring it. I didn't want to be one of THOSE guys.


What finally made me give in and stop my dishonesty on the subject??? internet trolls. I began reaching out on forums, comment sections etc and ran into the same kind of spammy retards we have been seeing here. I got banned from several places for just ASKING for information. Shadow banned in others.


Sooner or later, a truthseekeer runs into some truth he cannot ignore. Thats where I am now. Still awaiting one reason to think otherwise.