The age of consent in the United States is 16 except for a few states. Funny how they don't want to tell you that in the article.
The age of consent in the United States is 16 except for a few states. Funny how they don't want to tell you that in the article.
The graphic has all countries except the US - where they pick one state with the oldest age of consent. Ridiculous. They still don't tell you that 80% of US states have 16 as they age of consent.
So Julian Assange would be first cousin once-removed to POTUS - the son of POTUS' first cousin.
The issue with the Fed financial system is that the value of the dollar is backed by our labor and intellectual property. If it is backed by gold, silver, copper, etc., something with stable intrinsic value, the value of labor will go up automatically because there will be more demand. More people will own their own businesses, as they should. The result will be a higher demand for labor - and ingenuity as well.