Anonymous ID: 16e40e Sept. 11, 2018, 11:44 p.m. No.2987144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7205


Okay… I just want to chime in with a video that I watched earlier… it made me feel stupid, in a way, because he makes an obvious point that is hard to dispute… It restrained me from bringing up the jet fuel topic… There are other factors that would actually bring the heat up… I do not believe the "official story" is one bit truthful… I'm just bringing this up to refine the points of the over-all argument…

There are so many red flags with 9/11 no one should believe anything that we were old… The problem is when one argument has a flaw like this, any normie will see this video where homie debunks the "temperature of steel vs. burning jet fuel" and dismiss the whole damn conspiracy altogether… Some of our arguments are actually planted, by (((them))) for this exact reason…

The other two things I would like to point out is who the normie is constantly blaming… "Our government", which is brutally vague, so that anyone who ever holds any ranking position in said "government" is there-by "guilty" of 9/11 forever in the minds of brainwashed individuals… No names, just "F*** the gov't"!! Who NEVER gets blamed tho!? The damn FAKE NEWS Media, who was obviously in on the lie, and continue to ridicule any individual of questioning their narrative… Anyway, good talk… One day we'll get to the truth…

Anonymous ID: 16e40e Sept. 12, 2018, 12:01 a.m. No.2987248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7264


You should really look into the weather in the 1800's… Lots of WTFs… Carrington Event was not the only thing that stands out… MASSIVE FLOODING all across the country, and other parts of the world… Not to mention 1817 was the "Year without a summer"… There are forces behind the weather, that they don't like to explain to us… You are right tho, they do over-play a lot when it comes to the hype..

Anonymous ID: 16e40e Sept. 12, 2018, 12:19 a.m. No.2987387   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes!! Okay, so you understand that the solar system hasn't always been the same!! There's something in the distance that has me worried… Second nearest star…