>All for a carp???
>it made me feel stupid, in a way, because he makes an obvious point that is hard to dispute
not hard to dispute at all.
He got his test piece out of a blast furnace (an oxygen-rich fire)…the tower fires were oxygen-starved, hence the black smoke. He is conflating two arguments, also…pulling a classic bait and switch…no one is suggesting steel does not weaken when it's red hot…but it also doesn't fail catastrophically and fall at freefall speed.
He also sounds like a self-important faggot, so fuck him and his 250# anvil.
For all intents and purposes, it was a symmetrical failure.
Symmetrical failure is impossible with assymetrical loading.
>How hard does a quarter of a skyscraper hit if dropped 13 feet?
Not hard enough to cause simultaneous catastrophic failure in ALL of the floors below.
>But they didn't fail simultaneously. They failed one at a time.
That would've taken a helluva lot longer than the freefall speed which was observed.