Anonymous ID: 4cf5da Sept. 11, 2018, 10:31 p.m. No.2986656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6819 >>7034 >>7229 >>7310

Syrian Conflict 'Was Supported by Foreigners' From the Very Beginning - Scholars


One of the most important meetings on Syria was held last week when the presidents of Russia, Iran and Turkey held their third summit in Tehran on the settlement of the Syrian conflict.


Commenting on its results, Dr. Seyed Hadi Barhani, an Iranian political expert on the Middle East, told Sputnik that the US can in no way influence the situation in Syria.


“The trilateral summit in Tehran with the participation of Iran, Russia and Turkey is undoubtedly the success of Iranian diplomacy, which has once again shown that despite economic and political pressure Iran was and remains one of the most influential players in the region.


The US is trying to constantly oppose the settlement process in the country, Dr. Seyed Hadi Barhani noted. “At a time when terrorist groups in Syria are suffering a crushing defeat and almost all the territory except small areas is under the control of government troops, the US is doing everything to stop the Syrian government and delay the victory over terrorism. But, all these efforts are inconclusive, since the US does not have a real impact on the situation and can no longer stop this process.”


Barhani also explained that the US used chemical attack scenarios to undermine the Syrian government's success.


As soon as the Syrian army gains a significant victory over terrorists, the United States again and again uses this provocative scenario in order to, on the one hand, smear the Syrian government, and on the other, to downplay the bitterness of its frustration in the public eye. In general, I believe that the West made a strategic mistake with regard to Syria, and the reason for this error is that Western countries look at the Middle East through the eyes of Israel. The Israeli lobby in Western capitals and, in particular, Washington is so great that they assess the situation in the region from the position of Israel and act in its, and not in their own, interests. They spent billions of dollars to overthrow the government of Bashar al Assad, but they did not achieve their goal, and are now paying for their 'blind' pro-Israeli policy.”

Anonymous ID: 4cf5da Sept. 11, 2018, 10:47 p.m. No.2986767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6819 >>6843 >>7034 >>7229 >>7310

17 Years After 9/11, US Counts Al Qaeda Among Allies in Syria, Yemen


WASHINGTON – Less than two decades after the attacks of September 11, the U.S. government has now effectively allied with the Al Qaeda terrorist group it has long blamed for planning and executing those attacks, which still remain the worst terror attacks to have ever taken place on U.S. soil.


Despite the U.S. having launched the war in Afghanistan, the invasion and occupation of Iraq, and the years-long “War on Terror” as a means of allegedly countering Al Qaeda and its affiliates, the past year has revealed several instances in which Washington has been making “deals” with, protecting, and even (indirectly but knowingly) arming Al Qaeda operatives in countries like Yemen and Syria. The about-face has come as the U.S.’ interest in “counter-terrorism” throughout the Middle East has been superseded by regime-change policies targeting countries like Yemen, Syria and Iran.


Currently, the Syrian government and its allies have been preparing to begin a military offensive against the last rebel-held province in the country, a province that is openly dominated by Al Qaeda-linked groups — namely Al-Nusra Front, now known as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. Despite the fact that Al Qaeda’s presence in the area is well known, top U.S. government officials and even U.S. President Donald Trump have recently urged Syria to refrain from “recklessly” attacking the Idlib province, claiming that militants in the province are “not terrorists, but people fighting a civil war against a brutal dictator.”


Not only that, but the U.S. government has now openly made plans to attack the Syrian government if Al Qaeda affiliates in Idlib, including the controversial White Helmets group, make accusations against the Syrian government regarding the use of chemical weapons. Recent statements from U.S. officials show that the Trump administration is set to take Al Qaeda affiliates at their word and lay blame for any use of chemical weapons on the Syrian government, despite the fact that the U.S. government has admitted in the past that these very “rebel” groups possess chemical weapons themselves.


Furthermore, last July, Brett McGurk – the U.S. government’s Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL (Daesh, ISIS) – called Syria’s Idlib province “the largest Al Qaeda safe haven since 9/11, tied directly to Ayman al-Zawahiri [current leader of Al Qaeda].” He then immediately added that the Al Qaeda presence in Idlib was a “huge problem” and had been so “for some time.”


Since McGurk’s warning, Al Qaeda’s presence in Idlib has only grown, making recent comments from U.S. officials regarding Idlib’s “rebels” a clear example of the U.S. government seeking to defend the world’s current “largest Al Qaeda safe haven” despite continuing to blame the terror group for the September 11 attacks.


The dramatic change in roles for Al Qaeda in Syria from the U.S. perspective is the direct result of the U.S.’ “redefinition” of its objectives in the Syrian conflict, which now place regime change in Syria and Syria’s ally Iran above everything else, including the continued presence and growth of terrorist groups in the region.

Anonymous ID: 4cf5da Sept. 11, 2018, 10:51 p.m. No.2986783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Don’t rely on intelligence from terrorists’: Thornberry warns govt over any Syria chemical attacks


Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry implored the UK government not to rely on “open source intelligence provided by proscribed terrorist groups” in the event of a reported chemical attack on Syria.


Thornberry, speaking in parliament during a debate on the Syrian war, asked the government to hold any response to reports of chemical weapons attacks in areas controlled by the Al-Qaeda proxy, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a US-proscribed terrorist organisation.


HTS are thought to have some 10,000 fighters in the last rebel stronghold; Idlib province, a region in Syria’s north-west along the Turkish border.


Upon reports of a potential chemical attack, Thornberry urged the UK to wait “until the chemical weapons inspectors, the OPCW [Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons], have visited those sites under the protection of the Turkish government, independently verified those reports and attributed responsibility for any chemical weapons used.


“Relying on so-called open source intelligence provided by proscribed terrorist groups is not an acceptable alternative,” she said.


In turn, Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt refused to be drawn on the UK’s response to any reported chemical attack in Idlib. “I’m not prepared to say what the United Kingdom’s detailed reaction might be or give any timescale.”


Later clarifying her position in a tweet, Thornberry wrote: “…if there are reports of a chemical weapons attack in Idlib over the coming weeks – the government must ensure the reports are independently verified and that Parliament has given its approval, before escalating British involvement in the war.”