Anonymous ID: 55f90d Sept. 11, 2018, 11:59 p.m. No.2987241   🗄️.is đź”—kun

The SEC is seeking bids for a software tool that points out important and market moving social media posts.

While astute and savvy traders have known about the market moving power of social media for years now – many independent research shops, bloggers and company executives use Twitter frequently – it seems that only now is the Securities and Exchange Commission getting hip to social media’s close relationship with the stock market.

According to this write up at NextGov, the SEC is seeking a "out-of-the-box tool" that can monitor and flag posts that may have an effect on the financial markets. The description notes what the SEC is looking for:

"…a complete, web-based tool to scrape the major sites for keywords on relevant topics. When a keyword pops, the tool should send an email alerting the appropriate SEC staff."