No. Q is Trumps bluff. Q mostly is playing, posting, to the deep state. To gage their reactions and make them sweat, and get them to lash out. Not a single threat Q has mentioned has come to pass. Even as far back as the beginning. The threats made the deep state expose themselves, to a point that would and should normally have those in power arrest them, and the media report on it, but we get firings and no media coverage.
That is the 2nd part of the Q strategy. Hve us goons throw out some damaging info (true? Not true?) And salacious material at that to draw attention to more of the cabal. Hollywood, media, sickos, perverts, business that side with the cabal.
It is working, but not fast enough. Trump is cornered by RR not releasing his own death warrent, and maybe even Coats ODNI, who won't let him declassify the information because of muh national security. Trump will end up playing his cards. Sessions is a patriot, but useless until Trump gets the monkey off his back. So we either win by voting, or RR slips, or Coats allows the declassification of Fisa.