Hahaha, you got spirit for days, fren.
Yeah, I'll take it unless
some New Baker wants to spell me...
as per:
And I wasn't monitoring closely enough to see what the hell went down with (you)gate. I'm hoping the hecklers were shills, but just in case not, plz indulge a concernfag this PSA:
>>2987227 lb
Guys plz keep perspective about shit-posting at bakers. He's a good one that listens, is down with our culture, puts in long hours, & isn't a push-over. You know I'm on the scrappy side & can't fucking stand newfag shit, but when I misfire on legit anons, I feel bad about that and try to retool. Likewise, there's no point in misfiring on a legit baker. Diggers and bakers do different jobs toward a common goal, and depend on good will in each other to pull it off. We're here to get a job done, not just blow off steam at how fucked everything is. Jews that cry "divisive!" are lying sacks and we know it. The "stay together" Q talks about means not taking our frustrations out on each other over minor points of difference. You guys are high-powered weapons, don't neglect proper rifle control as to where you point that thing. Ty.