Anonymous ID: 294b36 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:26 a.m. No.2987425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7440 >>7447 >>7502



Hahaha, you got spirit for days, fren.

Yeah, I'll take it unless

some New Baker wants to spell me...

as per:



And I wasn't monitoring closely enough to see what the hell went down with (you)gate. I'm hoping the hecklers were shills, but just in case not, plz indulge a concernfag this PSA:

>>2987227 lb

Guys plz keep perspective about shit-posting at bakers. He's a good one that listens, is down with our culture, puts in long hours, & isn't a push-over. You know I'm on the scrappy side & can't fucking stand newfag shit, but when I misfire on legit anons, I feel bad about that and try to retool. Likewise, there's no point in misfiring on a legit baker. Diggers and bakers do different jobs toward a common goal, and depend on good will in each other to pull it off. We're here to get a job done, not just blow off steam at how fucked everything is. Jews that cry "divisive!" are lying sacks and we know it. The "stay together" Q talks about means not taking our frustrations out on each other over minor points of difference. You guys are high-powered weapons, don't neglect proper rifle control as to where you point that thing. Ty.

Anonymous ID: 294b36 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:34 a.m. No.2987455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7459 >>7472 >>7497


>Will 'you' handoff to me?

Happily, thanks new baker.

Handoff Confirmed

It's all yours. I'll stick around to help,

and take it from ya when you're done.

BO's prolly lurking and will also monitor/

mark you harsh.





You rock. Ty.

Enjoy well earned comfy.

(and the world-class thick skin

this job gives you. Priceless)

Anonymous ID: 294b36 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:53 a.m. No.2987564   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2987398, >>2987408


>>2987430, >>2987505

… baking does have its perqs



You're good man, that's how it read to me too. My PSA comment was more for the ones piling on (and like I said, they may be shills, I just don't have the energy to track that shit atm). Cuz we bakers rly do get a little trigger-happy at all the shit we take, the frenly fire is real. I say this after a couple nights myself having to walk shit back from going a little too "apeshit" kek. Doesn't mean I thought I was wrong in my initial assessment, but just that I shoulda been more politic in how I went about dealing with it. (being politic is NOT my strong suit).



Yeah, this is how it goes.

Trust me fren, I've had many lessons

in when to take a deep breath & just stahp.

It's all good, we're the "it's a new day" kind

around here, we just dust it off & move on.

Anonymous ID: 294b36 Sept. 12, 2018, 1:31 a.m. No.2987744   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7761


Baker, plz add to NOTABLES:


>>2987501 GermanArchiveAnon Update: #3760 to #3779, checksums, & Graphics(GMT)


Danke Archivar!



G'night man, sleep the sleep of Kek.


>feedin a newborn

Props and congrats, fren.

Good to know we'll have more

based mothahfukahs to feed the fires


Kek'd audibly at this.

You fukkn guys. da best.

>>2987486, >>2987548

'you's in clown shoes–the stuff of nightmares


(You) is pretty

Anonymous ID: 294b36 Sept. 12, 2018, 2:42 a.m. No.2988017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8024 >>8034 >>8076

Nice going, baker!

Had computer trouble again, sorry for the late reply, so I only looked at the first batch of notes you put up. I'll look at any new ones presently.



1) see


Yeah, we just add the notable for GermanArchiveAnon's updates as I showed you, no other changes to dough. Sometimes GraphicsAnon comes on late mornings to ask us to alter the WarRoom section of the dough. If that happens during this bread, I'll help you with it.

2) These are good notes picks & summaries, well done baker. I haven't been monitoring close enough to suggest adds, but it doesn't look like you need that. You may want to prune for volume depending on what else comes by the end of the bread. Over 20 notables gets ppl reeee'ing. So IF you want to remove any, here's some that are less notable than others IMO

As far as whether/which to remove, that's baker's editorial discretion.


For me, these two I'd def remove

>>2987766 (sorry anon, just too spoopy/highly speculative)

>>2987907 SGT (PrayingMedic is the only Qtuber/twatter totally aligned with us, I try not to open the door to any others, bc it's such a slippery slope. I can't remember how, but seems SGT counter-signalled some part of Q narrative recently).


These would be 50/50 for me, in case you were on the fence on any too:

>>2987400 Woodward doc (bc no sauce)

>>2987462 Japan treaty (bc formality prolly, doesn't necessarily mark sea change)

>>2987545 Warning Iran (same reason as above–saber rattling happens in ME all the time, we've warned Iran already, is implicit)

>>2987563 baker def (only cuz I think it might be posted somewhere else/b4, no?)

>>2987674 Egypt charities (bc no sauce, but if keep, combine w/Egypt airport note)

>>2987591 chain reaction (weak sauce)

>>2987710 toxic path (speculation/fearmongering)


And these can be combined into one note:

>>2987546, >>2987574, >>2987609 Devin Nunes has not tweeted since 8.31.18

>>2987638 Moar on Devin Nunes' past



gee thanks, kek



Ex-pharmafag–yeah, mice stories abound in our biz. I knew a guy whose job was to give mice shots of nicotine. Said it was the only trial he even ran where the mice didn't run or struggle, just lined up for dem gibs and held still for that sweet, sweet juice. That story has led more than a few to quit smoking kek.

Anonymous ID: 294b36 Sept. 12, 2018, 3:14 a.m. No.2988123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8130


Looks good baker.

Make sure to remove these older notable bundles from the dough to make room for your new ones. Add these links under Previous Notables and delete the notes.

>>2984989 #3776

>>2983414 #3774, >>2984218 #3775,


Also, add "baker change"

after #3780 in the dough

(not a big deal if you forget)

Anonymous ID: 294b36 Sept. 12, 2018, 3:21 a.m. No.2988154   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We need more oldfag bakers man.

If you're a night crew guy, it's the best time to learn. Slow bread, crew knowledgeable, fewer shills/newbs.

And I'll help ya. Just read the instructions, practice gathering notes on your own awhile, see how they align with baker's. If you're half there, that's about how we line up w/each other given that we all have such different styles. Then practice the copy-pasta over on comms. And it's no big deal to screw real runs up when you're starting out, we all do it (I fucked up tons lol, total spaz). Spotting bakers and BO/BV are always on to eBake and tidy up notes.

If you have the time, then have plenty of time to get good at it, find a groove.