Thought you'd never ask, anon
He was in NORAD on the Big Day. Gave the stand-down order.
#MeToo Confirmed
99.9% of the population is under mind control. The most sophisticated, well-funded, well implemented form of mind control in recorded history.
Have compassion.
Every DS operative would be just like us if they lost the "birth lottery", not to mention the intense mind control they already go through.
"Loyalty to The Family"
You literally hit the nail on the head about how/why the internet was created.
Snow White is still online. . .
It's the "rabbit-hole effect" once you wake people up, they will not stop digging. There is nothing that can stop this. There is no keeping a lid on this. At all. Period. End of sentence. End of paragraph. End of story.
Every fucking thing we have EVER known is a lie. Except for the smile on the child's face, and the beauty of the sunset. That's the only truth. The rest is a complete lie. Complete lie. All of it.
We are living under total all-encompassing mind control anons. We are literally in the matrix. A matrix of illuminati bullshit.