Could you expand on that, Anon?
(Kidding. Or maybe I'm not.)
This is everything.
Wasn't Dick Cheney moved to a very secure location in Nebraska almost before "immediately" on that day?
He's actually laughed plenty of times during interviews!
You may not have been able to see them, tho.
DJT is married to a woman who worked as a model (which is an industry that preys on models and basically enslaves them) and who also comes from a part of the world not unfamiliar with the human trafficking thing.
In addition to that, he has most certainly been in social/business circles that engages in and/or turns a blind eye to the use of people (children) as commodities.
Sooo, what I'm ultimately saying is that what makes the most sense to me is that he's been aware of this for a very long time because of things that have nothing to do with time travel.
Love those naughty little gnomes <3
Pope Francis says the "elites criticize" bishops, etc. and create scandal.
He essentially calls for resistance to accusations (you know the ones I'm talking about).
I'm generally not an "omg hair on fire"-type of person, yet thisโฆ
Eh. OMG! WUT?!?!?! I really do not like this guy.
No kidding.
Even been to China?
If yes, anything ever strike you as being kind of weird?
Are you familiar with the term "chabado"?