Anonymous ID: e7c910 Sept. 12, 2018, 1:39 a.m. No.2987780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7791 >>7805 >>7927 >>8076

C_A Legacy Media Puppet IDEN : Mattathias Schwartz (a.k.a. [Brennan's] Hand-Picked PR Puppet)


Failing NY Times Mag QAnon hit piece writer, Mattathias Schwartz, wrote a very personal profile puff- piece about/for Brennan in June 2018 – complete with a personal interview. He's quite the flowery prose-like writer. Clearly a media puppet of the highest order, who was hand picked by Brennan to do his PR in order to improve his image with the public, as exemplified in this quote from the article




"A few of Brennan’s colleagues from the Obama years said that I should be careful not to judge him by appearances. The dagger-eyed enforcer I had seen glowering behind the table in Senate committee hearings, they insisted, was not the man they knew. Indeed, Brennan’s voice is softer than his face, and different from the streetwise directness of his brother. It is the voice of a mild-mannered civil servant — cerebral, courtly, deferential and exquisitely self-conscious. “He’s so shy, in one sense,” former Vice President Joe Biden told me…The light residue of his New Jersey accent seems almost aristocratic; when he drops a syllable from government to make gub-ment, it sounds like a well-worn pet name."


Now check out how Mattathias downplays the credibility of POTUS and FISA Gate:


"Trump has tried to capitalize on Brennan’s involvement in the Russia probe, tweeting out his theories about a C.I.A.-and-F.B.I.-led conspiracy he calls “Spygate.” In Trump’s view, the Justice Department’s investigation of his ties to Russia is a plot by the so-called deep state to undermine his presidency. As evidence, he has offered a series of anti-Trump text messages exchanged by several senior F.B.I. employees who worked on the Clinton email and Russia investigations. Trump has also seized on the revelation of an informant, tasked by the F.B.I. to ask campaign associates about Russia’s hacking of Democratic emails in order to see if they had knowledge of it. Trump has insisted that the investigation was undertaken not because there was a reason to suspect his campaign may have colluded with Russia but because Democrats paid Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence official, to write a “phony,” “fake” 35-page dossier of salacious allegations about Trump and Russia. Instead of dealing with the very real evidence that Russia helped get him elected, Trump prefers to believe that Brennan and his all-powerful C.I.A. were pulling the strings.


While Trump’s theories surrounding the election are half-baked demagogy, he has reason to be preoccupied with Brennan. As Obama’s C.I.A. director, Brennan would have read the top-secret reports supporting the intelligence community’s public conclusion that Vladimir Putin favored Trump and sought to manipulate American voters to elect him. According to The Guardian, Brennan received early intelligence tips from his British counterparts about suspicious contacts between Russia and Trump’s campaign. In summer 2016, he shared that intelligence with the F.B.I. director at the time, James Comey, just as the bureau’s investigation was getting underway."


Mattathias won the Livingston Award (pay-off) for this [Brennan] piece. What a joke!


Once our coming attraction, FISA GATE, premieres, his career/credibility will surely be beyond repair. Hope it was worth it Mattahias– win a stupid journalistic award but lose your soul!


