Anonymous ID: ff440a Sept. 12, 2018, 1:36 a.m. No.2987766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7802 >>7804 >>7927 >>7936 >>8017




This time travel happens for the same reason I insisted on using #FISAGATE instead of the other hashtags.


> #WATERGATE #RUSSIAGATE #SPYGATE(this one was actually coined by GEOTUS), so #FISAGATE is the most consistent.


I forgot to mention #PIZZAGATE in my rationale for #FISAGATE, how could I?


Well, watching the time traveling Trump video the pieces fit.


Trump has been around /pol/ for years.


Per the video Trump is recorded using the phrase #PIZZAGATE even before the WIKILEAKS of Podesta's emails.


Do you see where I am going?




If spoiler is right, then it supports the theory that GEOTUS was groomed/approached for the Chair many years ago.


The groomed theory is that Military Intelligence hi guys =) found him the best candidate for this presidency in which he is absolutely guarded/supported/advised by highest ranking Military.


If all theories are true, WIKILEAKS was either cooperating with the MI, or the MI were very informed on WIKILEAKS agenda, enough to expect the PODESTA MAILS to break towards the PIZZA scandal.


Was #PIZZAGATE actually engineered by MI?


Maybe Trump did come with the PIZZAGATE name, but did he seed the awareness movement?


The whole X-Gate is very Boomer and fits Trump's and MI's generation, they grew up with the Watergate scandal, we did not.


I am just brainstorming here... Watch the video I'm quoting (the video liked by General Flynn >see post I am answering to)... do you follow me?


Buuuuut... then again... I have had my fair share of "Time Travel" (Quantum Consciousness shifts / Secondsight)... and for those who are not so esoterically inclined... well..


Assange himself could be Trump's nephew...

Anonymous ID: ff440a Sept. 12, 2018, 2:20 a.m. No.2987932   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Hey, can I have a Bloody Mary?

<Uhh- Sorry we are our of Tomato Juice

>Really? 'Cuz I got a new batch

Anonymous ID: ff440a Sept. 12, 2018, 2:31 a.m. No.2987976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7983



Dear Sirs,


Please stop the Black-OPs in Mexico.


We can trade Spice without a Genocide nor making armed millionaires out of shit slinging monkeys.


Please no more Low Intensity - 4th Gen warfare, PLEASE.


Also, justice for the war crimes committed under the Fast and Furious Operation would be swell.




Lowest Ranking Anon

Anonymous ID: ff440a Sept. 12, 2018, 3:20 a.m. No.2988146   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Indeed. The timetravel angle was embedded to the video's argument.

Agree with you, reason why I go to the grooming/selecting argument.


I am 100% on the same page with you. I was abused and end-up in relationships with abused chicks, and am very aware of the corruption in powerful circles around me. If I were in a position such as Trump's I would do the same and fight it. Our leverage is that we mimic the predators we despise when they joke about their exploits, and when we get offered a victim we pass because we have something else to do… point is… I also picture Trump knowing how to deal with the worst of the worst and fighting to shape a moral identity (a moral identity that probably got him selected by MI).


Anyhow, your points are mine as well… BUUUUUUUUUUUUUT:




When it becomes a -gate it is already an scandal.


In 2011 when he was recorded, he might have been well aware about the Cheese Pizza culture (weren't we all channers?) of the Elite he worked with, but that wouldn't make it a PIZZAGATE, and if it was being coined a PIZZAGATE during the longterm planning of Today's scandal, he would not be talking about it so nonchalantly to a radio host with a live audience.


I am just saying… if he were going around tossing PIZZAGATE like that he would've been shun from so many circles he was better off infiltrating than informing about a budding scandal. Buuuut they have always been untouchable so the are cynical anyway… Maybe that is why we needed MI to converge with him regarding the rotten state of affairs of the Republic's Elite?


Just brainstorming…