was hard for me too.
so, if we remove ourselves from our bias, we acknowledge israel as a hands-free powerbase, staging point in M. East. Iran consistently threatens that.
Iran took over Iraq. Iran took key points within syria as 'assistance coalition.' Iran had key strategic economic interests with competing pipeline that ran through Syria which Bashar Assad refused. Iran has 'limited range ballistic missles.'
So… If you use your 'Iran freedom fighter proxies' to establish bases in Syria, that means Iran/Russia annex Syria; Russia has only a few MIL_bases, major one in syria. It also means Iran now has bases within syria
with which
they can launch attacks into Israel
with plausible
::"Oh that was cell, A or B or X, we dont know, or maybe Assad group C fired X into Israel" etc.
There are Iranian militias that can stage attacks seperately from the responsibility of Iran govt, while Iran gives or denies sponsorship. Israel and US recognize this.
These attacks are not about starting war, or oil; US responses are about preventing future actors of starting war.
… its all there; in short, any strikes in Syria are about attacking Iran.