Anonymous ID: 255ea5 Sept. 12, 2018, 4:24 a.m. No.2988344   🗄️.is 🔗kun









Big corner piece: >>2925385


patriots strive together; dont know what to do? Wake up. Plenty of work around and sick that needs mending.


_I90% of life is showing up; I'll keep showin' up, you guys do the same...

in your own way.



Anonymous ID: 255ea5 Sept. 12, 2018, 5:47 a.m. No.2988742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8754 >>8768 >>8782 >>8939






legit angles to question Q from; these are not it. That means you see the work from a bad angle or your intentions are bad.


possible angle: Syria? (for me resolved)


Richard Russel (D or A, family, missle? what?)


@Q400 takeoff


so these are some of things, and the faults come from ambiguity, not falsehoods; you could argue the very first posts were wrong, but they were argued as strategic markers.


and now if they werent, if they were literal dates, there is still the defense of the difference between ACCESS and knowledge.




You have been given the ultimate library card.

You may read any book you wish.


Do you know

which book

you should read FIRST?


Do you know WHERE to look?


Its like, some people wont believe at all, and others expect their heroes to be


infallible. ffs.


Discernment is Key.

youre (here) for a reason.



Anonymous ID: 255ea5 Sept. 12, 2018, 5:58 a.m. No.2988809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8822


was hard for me too.


so, if we remove ourselves from our bias, we acknowledge israel as a hands-free powerbase, staging point in M. East. Iran consistently threatens that.


Iran took over Iraq. Iran took key points within syria as 'assistance coalition.' Iran had key strategic economic interests with competing pipeline that ran through Syria which Bashar Assad refused. Iran has 'limited range ballistic missles.'


So… If you use your 'Iran freedom fighter proxies' to establish bases in Syria, that means Iran/Russia annex Syria; Russia has only a few MIL_bases, major one in syria. It also means Iran now has bases within syria


with which

they can launch attacks into Israel


with plausible


::"Oh that was cell, A or B or X, we dont know, or maybe Assad group C fired X into Israel" etc.


There are Iranian militias that can stage attacks seperately from the responsibility of Iran govt, while Iran gives or denies sponsorship. Israel and US recognize this.


These attacks are not about starting war, or oil; US responses are about preventing future actors of starting war.


… its all there; in short, any strikes in Syria are about attacking Iran.


Anonymous ID: 255ea5 Sept. 12, 2018, 6:09 a.m. No.2988876   🗄️.is 🔗kun


correct… thats a problem too; most of the world knows its fake. Q suggested not nec chem. but WMD moved into region @ iran. As far as the cover story, that WOULD be a lie. Bias for POTUS cant beat that. So whats the angle? A lie to cover an attack against an impending threat to Israel?


I know there are many haters here, but they forget what a 'beach-head' is, they forget the US, and forget Strategy; they forget that the war on the M. East was sold to people as the 'New American Century.'


The people who bout the N. A. C. were 'suckers.' It was meant to make people with no loyalty rich, while sucking America dry.


Again, what I listed 4 posts ago were legitimate angles to question/attack Q with; Ive resolved my doubts from most of them.


Last standing: Id like to know how the Russell family is doing…


Anonymous ID: 255ea5 Sept. 12, 2018, 6:12 a.m. No.2988906   🗄️.is 🔗kun


(approved level of truth)



Youre talking about "having too much to think."


but thats a commentary, not a logical argument. I appreciate how you feel.

Anonymous ID: 255ea5 Sept. 12, 2018, 6:17 a.m. No.2988953   🗄️.is 🔗kun





are just




been there. Some of the things I posted werent constructive at all, they were just bullshit, sometimes drunkenly so.


lol. Sorry Q and anons. I have practice being an asshole.