Anonymous ID: a907c6 Sept. 12, 2018, 5:39 a.m. No.2988698   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2987761 lb


Just took a look at both of these removed posts. Usually don't get in spats on what is and what is not a no table, but feel the need to speak my piece. Take it FWIW.


>>2987766 (sorry anon, just too spoopy/highly speculative)

Yes it is highly speculative. It also brings up a very salient point that very few are considering. Why are we seeing all these rehashes from the early 70s injected into the public consciousness? What's going on here? Who's being targeted? How does that change the public's perception of "reality"? Ever consider any of these topics or is all the shit that's thrown out into the news cycle to be absorbed as individual pieces without looking at the larger themes?

Or is just convenient to categorize anything outside your current level of understanding "spoopy", crazy, conspiracy theory, etc? Doesn't that accurately label the efforts of what our opponents (like Mr. Schwartz of the NYT from last night) are doing to "us"?

Not saying you have agree with the post. I don't 100%, in fact, i don't agree with anything 100%. That's why it clearly states, Notables are NOT endorsements.

Where is the sense of discernment? Isn't that what this place is for? Why is always the ones who are quick & vociferous with the judgements always the ones to decide what and what does not have value to others? Isn't that a key identifier of the "Resistance" that we are battling here?


>>2987907 SGT

Again, same rationale & labelling, quick to judge without discerning the content. I watched the video, felt it brought up some valid constructive criticisms on a very timely topic. Worth a watch even if one doesn't agree with the conclusion. Not defending the guy, I've watched some of his videos that I don't agree with at all. What happened to evaluating things on their own merits? Just because you don't like him means that everyone else should ignore?

>(PrayingMedic is the only Qtuber/twatter totally aligned with us,)

Correction, he's totally aligned with those of "us" who are quick to judge and label everything outside of their circle of understanding as not being worthy for anyone else to consider. In my opinion, dude's got a talent for making sure everyone who follows him thinks exactly like him and is quick to dismiss anyone who doesn't. Does his stuff have value? Sure, for some, just find it a shame him and others who think like him are not willing to see the value in others who think differently.

Not trying to be divisive here, just feel the current prevailing attitude is getting a bit too insular. There's a sweet spot between the "idealists" and the "guardians" - good to remember that each side needs the other for this movement to be successful.

Please excuse any of the above that was not communicated with sufficient respect to those addressed. May you consider it in kind.

Anonymous ID: a907c6 Sept. 12, 2018, 6:09 a.m. No.2988882   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Very perceptive observation. We could extend this out to all these criminals we see mouthing off these days in the news and come to the same conclusion.