we all know?
I wish. If I leave my house speaking the truth I'll get 302'd.
what is the status of DECLAS
lots of excited anons over the last few days
Still excited? for the future or the past?
Democracy is a LARP.
The Sheeple could never handle the whole truth.
Trust in those stronger and smarter than you: thank Q.
Absolute power does not corrupt if it is in the right hands, and Q+ is right hands.
"Truth will set you free" is the ravings of a non-macro-enabled lunatic.
well, I guess my attempt at sarcasm worked brilliantly
I also don't want "curated truth"
I trust these guys, but some of the things anons are talking about look less like idealism (towards democracy) and more cultish
o fuck i'm not supposed to say that
consider it just one small data point, Overlords
just don't be impertinent and ask for the whole truth.
Think i'm being an asshole? what about noname, what about yesterday and 17 years of lies, etc etc
more truth than a boatload of lies does not necessariily imply full truth
we are so thirsty, and "drop" we get is wonderful
confessions of an Economic Hit Man
operating in South America and MIddle East
the author of the book seems like a total fruitcake, though.
"you want to know it all, sure"
"let me get started with something that will give you an information edge over everyone else"
"see you are special"
"still want the entire truth? be patient, it is coming"
"in the meantime, you are so much smarter than everone else, you know the language of infinite chan, you know the comms!"
noname was a trial balloon, to see if we would accept partial truth
if we do, great
if not, then keep telling us the full truth is coming, or just outright lie and say we have the full truth already (you have everything already)
what they know if still only partial. for example ,what do they "know" about noname, "know" about 911?
I think I understand you.
I am pushing anons to not be satisfied with "truth beyond what the average Joe gets"
and only be satisfied with full disclosure
We are a powerful enough nation that we do not need secrets to prop us up. I believe we can stand tall on our other merits.
this reminds me of people who believe in free speech, but they think there should be laws to make sure people use the right "responsibly"
when the focus is on those you hate (antifa, sjw) rather than the issues (free speech, 2A) then you subordinate the issues to policies that work against those you hate.
And in so doing, you lose your soul.
and my balls itch.
I have a hard enough time determining my own intentions
But (you) know them like the sun in the sky
Pray tell, help me out:
since you claim to know, What are my intentions?
am I a shill, a LARP, a SJW?
anon, imho, you are seeking beyond the approved level of truth with your questions.
ergo: your intentions are bad
(do you see it is bullshit logic now?)
i have to choose between Unions and Minorities?
That's like choosing which ball gets whacked off.
not an easy choice