Anonymous ID: c1c0ac Sept. 12, 2018, 8:12 a.m. No.2989821   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0247 >>0439


Very few of the hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants who crossed Hungary’s border from the south in 2015 actually wanted to stay, though the majority were fleeing wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.


They were on their way to the more prosperous countries of Western Europe. But Orban’s nightmare was that they might in future be sent back to Hungary by Vienna or Berlin.


In May 2015, the European Commission proposed compulsory quotas to redistribute asylum seekers. Orban was having none of it. “No-one will tell us who we let into our own house,” he thundered.


His answer was a fence. On 16 June 2015, Hungary announced the construction of a 175km (110-mile) barrier along the southern border with Serbia.


In the spring of 2015, Orban’s party Fidesz had lost two by-elections and the leader, according to his critics, saw the value of playing the migration card.


In the following months his party won back anything up to a million supporters, pollsters estimated.

Anonymous ID: c1c0ac Sept. 12, 2018, 8:18 a.m. No.2989889   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Hungary’s lone Soviet-era nuclear power station at Paks on the Danube, was getting old. Orban was in the market for a brand new nuclear power station, Paks 2, and Putin was keen to sell.


Orban went to Moscow and signed the contract, despite studies suggesting that nuclear power would cost three times more than electricity bought from the European grid.


The Russians will both build and finance it via a massive loan. Full details of the contract were made secret by the Hungarian parliament for 30 years.


At about the same time, Orban agreed with the Russians to extend a 20-year gas deal, due to expire in 2016, on favourable terms.


“The prime minister’s strategy is to keep equal distance between two bears, the Russians and the Germans,” a close political ally of Orban tells me. “He sees the tragedies of Hungarian history stemming from being too close to one or the other. But Orban is not Putin’s puppet. In fact, Orban thinks he can manipulate Putin.”

Anonymous ID: c1c0ac Sept. 12, 2018, 8:25 a.m. No.2989955   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0022


If Q needed to buy more time of the cabal thinking they still have a chance with RR/RM and suppressing the FISA, this is exactly what we would seen.

POTUS refusing to meet with RR

WH Counsel refusing Trump request to declass over objections of JS, RR, and CW


Just sayin'… could be disinfo.