Anonymous ID: 5dbc6d Sept. 12, 2018, 9:22 a.m. No.2990571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1027 >>1212

Pedophile Teacher Busted with 3000 Child Porn Files Connected to International Distribution Ring


A civilian contractor once employed at Hanscom Air Force Base, in Burlington, Massachusetts, is under arrest for the possession of over 3000 files of child porn, and federal prosecutors say he is connected to an international website; which distributed child pornographic material across the globe.

Anonymous ID: 5dbc6d Sept. 12, 2018, 9:35 a.m. No.2990715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0791

SpyGate Update: 3 Spies/2 LURES/and 4 Coded Ops !!! ½


This is more than Spy vs Spy or even White Hat vs Black Hat, it is basically a war between Good vs Evil.


Post Q# 1892 on 8/15/18 (in part):



The scorecard can chalk up 3 confirmed official “SPIES” and 2 foreign “LURES” or intelligence assets. All of these paid individuals were inserted or planted into Trump World during the 2016 campaign.


Post Q# 1939 on 8/27/18 (in part):


”This is the case with Halper, who is now proven to be a spy”.

These actions unbelievably began prior to the official start now claimed by the FBI. The FBI’s Counterintelligence Division investigation of candidate Trump, lead by Peter Strzok has the beginning launch date of 7/32/16.


Post Q# 1938 on 8/27/18 (in part):


BO - UK - AUS.


BO - Alexander Downer (FVEY) (EX1).

DOJ/FBI came up with a special classic code named (Hat Tip to John Solomon) programs under "Operation Trump". Operations were code named Crossfire Hurricane/Operation Dragon/Crossfire FISA/and One yet to be disclosed.


Post Q# 1589 on 6/26/18 (in part):





Incredibly back in February 2014, at the first known public meeting between Halper, Donald Trump and General Flynn, The event was an annual gathering of past intelligence community folks at Cambridge University/London.

Halper dutifully sent a report back to John Brennan, about Flynn seemingly being real cozy with a Russian (FSB) woman as well as the meeting between Donald Trump and General Mike Flynn.


Post Q# 1164 on 4/15/18 (in part):


Not Public: Five Eyes/UK/AUS POTUS targeting using pushed RUS decoy meetings/campaign insertions.

I make the distinction between the spies and LURES. Halper/Mifsud/and Nader actually arranging the “Dirty-Up” meetings involving Trump’s aides. Downer and Millian acted more like “OCONUS”-international foreign intelligence assets or plants known as “LURES” in the tradecraft.


Post Q# 2128 on 9/10/18 (in part):



All these paid assets were co-enablers, in this coordinated SpyGate plot, against then Candidate and later President-Elect Donald Trump.

Campaign SPY: Stefan Halper, an American scholar who teaches at Cambridge and has a long history with both the CIA and MI6. Stefan has been involved with 3 prior Republican Presidential Administrations, as this was his entry card to be around the 2016 campaign officials.

George Papadopoulos, already prepped by Mifsud, accepted a $3k contract to go to London in May to do a seminar and write a paper for Halper. This lead to the “chance” encounter with Alexander Downer in a pub and overhearing talk of obtaining some “HRC Dirt”. Professor Halper additionally set-up “lure-type” meetings with both Carter Page in July and Sam Clovis in August 2016.

Anonymous ID: 5dbc6d Sept. 12, 2018, 9:35 a.m. No.2990718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0791 >>0820

SpyGate Update: 3 Spies/2 LURES/and 4 Coded Ops !!! 2/2



Transition SPY: George Nader, a shadowy international figure that has been recently connected to the UAE Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed. Nader arranged two very suspicious meetings with Trump World people during the transition period. In December 2016, Nader and the Crown Prince meet at Trump Tower with Kushner and Bannon, to discus future options in the Middle East.

In January 2017, Nader arranged for Erik Prince to meet in the Seychelles (Indian Ocean) along with notorious Russian Kirill Dmitriev and the UAE bin Zayed. This meeting was to talk about the possibility of future “Back-Channels”, between Trump and Russia. In late breaking news, Mueller is trying to tie in a Kushner friend Richard Gerson, with this Erik Prince meeting, because he was vacationing in the Seychelles at the same time this Nader meeting.


Foreign SPY: Joseph Mifsud, is a mysterious “Maltese Professor”with direct ties to the Kremlin. Joseph inserted himself into the 2016 Presidential Campaign, when he first met George Papadopoulos in Italy in March 2016. Mifsud dangled the “HRC dirt” as bait to “LURE” in George.

Then again on April 26, 2016, Mifsud meet George in London, this time bringing along the infamous so-called “niece” of Putin, to this second follow-up meeting, to set the hook and trap.

New revelations show that Mifsud was assigned to set up George. Ties to Brennan/CIA are also part of Mifsud’s intelligence background, not Russian. Mifsud has been missing for awhile and is now presumed to be dead.


Foreign LURE Asset # 1: Alexander Downer, an Australian diplomat and former High Commissioner to the UK. Downer has been the center of attention recently, trying to justify a $25 million donation to the Clinton Foundation from Australia.

Downer meet Papadopoulos and Halper on 5/10/16 at London’s Kensington Wine Room for cocktails. Downer overhearing George claiming access to the deleted HRC emails. It is the pivotal event that supposedly launches the DOJ/FBI Counterintelligence Probe (Crossfire Hurricane) into then candidate Trump.


Foreign LURE Asset # 2: Sergei Millian is a Belarusian-American businessman. Sergei contacted Papadopulos in the Summer of 2016. George was offered a lucrative $30,000 per month, as long as he was involved with the Trump Campaign. The cover story was they would form an energy-related business, financed by mysterious Russian billionaires.


Post Q# 1238 on 4/22/18 (in part):


Not “official” product-5 Eyes.

IG Horowitz/SP Huber will be looking into this “SpyGate” element, along with the Phase Two FISA abuses by DOJ/FBI. When POTUS declassifies all of the FISA applications, the truth will be revealed as to the planned extent of these entrapment/sting operations.

It has been uncovered in Strzok/Page text messages, that several other “SPY/LURE” operations were being conducted alongside Crossfire Hurricane. There must be unknown additional paid intelligence assets, domestic and foreign, yet to be uncovered.

Anonymous ID: 5dbc6d Sept. 12, 2018, 9:52 a.m. No.2990900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1027 >>1212

Arizona's top prosecutor reportedly investigating Google


Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is probing Google's location tracking practices, according to a report.


Arizona's top prosecutor is investigating Google for its location tracking practices, the Washington Post reports. The investigation follows the revelation that Google continues to store users' location data even if they have turned off Location History.


According to a public filing cited by the Post, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has hired an outside law firm to help investigate a tech company for potential Consumer Fraud Act violations related to the "storage of consumer location data" and "tracking of consumer location…even when consumers turn off 'location services' and take other steps to stop such tracking."


An unnamed source told the Post that the company under investigation is Google.


A spokesperson for the Arizona AG's office told ZDNet that the office has been working on this civil investigation "for quite some time."


"While we cannot confirm the company or companies at the center of this probe, we decided to move forward and retain outside counsel after a series of troubling news reports, including a recent story that highlighted Google's alleged tracking of consumer movements even if consumers attempt to opt out of such services," spokesperson Katie Conner said. "General Brnovich has prioritized consumer data privacy and cybersecurity since taking office. This investigation shouldn't surprise anyone who knows him well."


After the Associated Press brought to light Google's location tracking practices, the company updated its help page to clarify that with Location History off, it still stores some location data in other services such as Google Search and Maps. Google now faces a potential class action lawsuit accusing the company of falsely representing what 'History Location off' means to millions of iPhone and Android users.


In a statement to the Post, Google spokesman Aaron Stein said that location data "helps us provide useful services when people interact with our products, like locally relevant search results and traffic predictions."


The new probe comes as tech companies are facing increased scrutiny, from both Republicans like Brnovich and Democrats, over privacy and the handling of consumer data. In Arizona last year, Brnovich helped craft and pass a law to protect data breach victims. Earlier this year, the blue state of California passed what will be the nation's toughest data privacy laws.


Meanwhile, Google is also facing an antitrust probe in state of Missouri.

Anonymous ID: 5dbc6d Sept. 12, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.2990966   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sgt.FISA Release


During the Deep State Wars,


TRUMP allies forced black hats to expand ammunition




Reveal positions by deploying decoys.

Anonymous ID: 5dbc6d Sept. 12, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.2991207   🗄️.is 🔗kun

9 killed after SUV plows into crowd in central China