Anonymous ID: 702c4d Sept. 12, 2018, 9:54 a.m. No.2990918   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0929 >>0935 >>0946

Hungary's Orban Slapped With Unprecedented EU Censure Over Claims Of "Authoritarian Rule"


The forint and Hungarian stocks weakened on the news that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been hit by an unprecedented European Union censure for which his government now faces the threat of sanctions by fellow EU member states.


On Wednesday members of European Parliament voted on the move as a result of what EU lawmakers say is a breach of the European bloc's values and laws and eroding democratic standards, and amidst accusations Hungary is now an "autocracy". The rebuke was passed by 448 votes to 197.


Meanwhile Orban bit back ahead of the EU censure vote, saying before Parliament the planned move “insults the honor of the Hungarian nation” and was “a slap in the face”; and the controversial prime minister further cast the whole charade is an attempt to "blackmail" Hungary into bowing to EU pressures to soften its hard line stance on the migrant issue.


The rare disciplinary rebuke, which many expected, comes as Hungarian leadership has been complaining about migrants while remaining under intense pressure to accept them.


The decision puts Hungary under the same “Article 7” action as Poland, in which fellow EU states probe whether the censured and accused countries breached particular EU rules and more vaguely defined "values". Ultimately the process could result in Budapest's EU voting rights being suspended — unlikely, considering all other 27 EU nations would have to agree.


On Wednesday Hungary’s currency declined upon the news, leaving the US dollar up 0.6 per cent on the day, buying 281.2 forint, per FT. The country’s main stocks gauge also were down 0.28 percent in session lows.


Since coming into power in 2010, Orban has refused to take in asylum seekers arriving in Europe and has been seen as bullying his own courts and media into submission.


As Bloomberg reports, members of his own right Christian Democrats have increasingly split under the pressure, as momentum builds to expel anti-migrant far right influence across EU states:


Numerous members of Europe’s Christian Democratic faction, which includes the Fidesz party of Orban, abandoned him in the roll-call vote that became a litmus test with EU Parliament elections looming next May. That expanded support for the move against Hungary from Socialists, Liberals, Greens and the post-communist left.


…Guy Verhofstadt, leader of the Liberals in the chamber, said Orban was bent on wrecking the EU in tandem with the likes of populist Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini and the goal of the proposal against Hungary was to “stop this nightmare.”


The split within the assembly’s Christian Democrats casts doubt about Fidesz’s future in the group and raises the prospect of new European alliances as French President Emmanuel Macron urges pro-EU forces to unite against nationalists, who gained ground most recently in Swedish elections on Sunday.


Meanwhile the prospect of actual sanctions and suspension of voting rights for Hungary remains slim in terms of the high procedural hurdle that must result, which would effectively make Hungary a pariah state in the union.


Article 7 is applied if an EU member state presents a “systemic threat” to the bloc’s values, which Hungary was adjudged to have done in a report by Green MEP Judith Sargentini earlier this year.


At this point, with Article 7 proceedings begun, all the other EU nations will now need to agree unanimously to punish Budapest. Such consensus has never been achieved, meaning that Article 7 has never been actually fully implemented, and is not likely this time either.


Former UK leader Nigel Farage, who recently called the proceedings against Budapest “a show trial,” had previously commented, “Thank God there is at least one European leader prepared to stand up for his principles, his culture, his nation and his people in the face of such extreme bullying.”

Anonymous ID: 702c4d Sept. 12, 2018, 9:57 a.m. No.2990943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1122

Chicago "Task Force" Looks At Implementing Universal Basic Income


Embattled Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is forming a task force that will analyze whether the city should establish a so-called "universal basic income" program, as they Mayor seeks to salvage his legacy - currently associated with Chicago's horrendous murder rate and broken pension system. Emanuel announced he would not be seeking a third term in next February's elections.


The task force set up by Emanuel will consist of a panel that will decide whether the welfare initiative could work, as the city wrestles with a $71 billion debt load, nearly $40 billion of which is pension debt.


A Universal Basic Income scheme was first floated in July by Chicago Alderman Ameye Pawar - who is running for Governor of Illinois this November. Pawar's called on Emanuel tro launch a pilot program which would pay 1,000 families $500 each month.


Pawar recently introduced a pilot for a UBI program in Chicago. Under his program, $500 a month would be delivered to 1,000 Chicago families — no strings attached. Additionally, the proposal would modify the Earned Income Tax Credit program for the same 1,000 families, so they’d receive payments on a monthly basis instead at the end of the year — a process known as “smoothing” that enables families to integrate the tax credit into their monthly budgets.



“Nearly 70 percent of Americans don’t have $1,000 in the bank for an emergency,” Pawar told The Intercept. “UBI could be an incredible benefit for people who are working and are having a tough time making ends meet or putting food on the table at the end of the month. … It’s time to start thinking about direct cash transfers to people so that they can start making plans about how they’re going to get by.” -The Intercept

Anonymous ID: 702c4d Sept. 12, 2018, 9:58 a.m. No.2990958   🗄️.is 🔗kun

State Dept. Email: Bob Woodward — Who Just Published Anti-Trump Book — Has Been FBI Asset Since 1970s


The Washington Post published a preview of Post reporter Bob Woodward’s new book on the Trump presidency last week.


Woodward paints a portrayal of the Trump White House as having a “nervous breakdown” and an “administrative coup d’etat”.


The book was meant as a hit piece on President Trump and his administration. What comes across is what Trump supporters already know about Trump: He relies on his instincts, he is learning as he goes and has been beset by disloyal operatives determined to preserve the ways of Washington, D.C., and prevent him from ‘draining the swamp.’


Several top Trump officials have already disputed Woodward’s facts as complete rubbish.


Never the less, Woodward is out making the rounds on the liberal media trashing President Trump and his historically successful administration.

Anonymous ID: 702c4d Sept. 12, 2018, 10 a.m. No.2990975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Report: THIRTEEN Different Deep State FBI Agents Fed Information to ONE LIBERAL REPORTER (VIDEO)


Your Deep State at Work…

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) the current chairman of the House Freedom Caucus joined Stuart Varney on Wednesday to discuss the latest Strzok-Page text messages released by the DOJ.


The latest text messages from the anti-Trump officials show how they were feeding anti-Trump articles to the press. The newly released documents obtained by the House Oversight Committee reveal Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were discussing a strategy to leak unverified information to the media in an effort to damage President Trump.


Rep. Jim Jordan: Remember Stuart when Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General, did his investigation he talked about the fact that one reporter had 13 different individuals at the FBI who were feeding him information. So, there was certainly a leak strategy going on. The most troubling aspect of all of this is that, remember Devin Nunes memo about what they took to the FISA Court. They cited media reports to buttress the dossier which we know wasn’t valid, wasn’t corroborated, wasn’t credible. But they used media reports to buttress the dossier. They were leaking information to the media that they were then using to buttress the document that they were using to then get the warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.

Anonymous ID: 702c4d Sept. 12, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.2991000   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Teen Vogue Publishes Article Glamorizing Abortion, Calls for Colleges to Offer Them on Campus


The hyper-political and extremely far-left magazine Teen Vogue has published a lengthy article glorifying abortion and calling for colleges to offer the procedure on campuses.

Anonymous ID: 702c4d Sept. 12, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.2991057   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Assange Contractor Arjen Kamphuis’ Belongings Found at Sea - Deep State?


There's breaking news coming out of Norway surrounding Arjen Kamphuis, a personal friend of Julian Assange and a close associate of Wikileaks, who themselves have numerous unanswered questions since their founder went dark.


Arjen Kamphuis went missing from Norway on August 20th and the Netherlands-born and self-described “free software advocate" and "IT security adviser” hasn't been seen or heard from since.


First, the local community of Bodø, Norway, followed quickly by the homeland family of Kamphuis, began a search effort. They feared the worst, but it turned up nothing. Wikileaks even used their Twitter to inform followers about the search on September 2nd.


To make matters more interesting, a German sim card was inserted into the phone at the time.


Oddly enough, today, Wikileaks tweeted a message, prior to the announcement of finding the belongings of Kamphuis, that the UK had said, “perhaps we shouldn't send people to the US to be executed,” just two hours prior to the announcement.

Anonymous ID: 702c4d Sept. 12, 2018, 10:09 a.m. No.2991076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1124

Gays, bisexuals outnumber conservatives in Yale’s freshman class, survey finds



Gay and bisexual freshmen outnumber conservative freshmen at Yale College, according to a survey of first-year students conducted by the school’s paper, the Yale Daily News.


While a Gallup poll conducted in 2017 found that only 4.5 percent of Americans identify as LGBTQ, nearly 5 percent of Yale freshmen identify as gay and a little more than 9 percent identify as bisexual or transsexual, the paper’s survey found — around 14 percent total.


But only about 10 percent of Yale survey respondents identify as conservative, with less than 9 percent saying they’re “somewhat conservative” and a less than 2 percent saying they’re “very conservative.”



One of those conservative freshmen, Texas native Carson Macik, told the paper he was concerned about personal interactions upon joining the New Haven, Connecticut, campus — and said his chats with fellow students have proven his concerns justified.


“My professors have been very welcoming of discussing certain topics that wouldn’t otherwise be discussed,” Macik told the Daily News. “But the student body is different; there are some students who I’ve run into where our conversations have quickly devolved into them yelling at me, and I just wanted to escape.”


Nearly three-fourths of freshmen identify as “very liberal” or “somewhat liberal,” the survey found.


Cameron Koffman, president of the school’s William F. Buckley Jr. Program, told The College Fix that Yale’s overwhelmingly liberal student body is “not surprising.”


“The best thing the University can do is make sure that conservatives on campus feel comfortable voicing their opinions and ensuring that students understand that the administration firmly supports free speech and intellectual diversity,” Koffman added to the outlet.


More from The College Fix:


A 2016 Yale Daily News survey found that 95 percent of conservative students on campus thought that their conservative views were unwelcome. One respondent was quoted as saying “I just get the general vibe that Republicans aren’t respected for their beliefs as much as maybe the liberal people are.” Overall, 75 percent of respondents said that Yale “does not provide a welcoming environment for conservative students to share their opinions on political issues.”


Other Yale freshmen survey numbers


About three-fourths of freshmen identify as straight, the survey found, while 8 percent identify as “asexual, ace spectrum or questioning their sexual orientation.”


When it comes to matters of religious faith — or no faith — the biggest single group, according to the survey, encompasses agnostics; they account for 23 percent of respondents. Tied for second place are atheists and Protestants at 16 percent each, the survey said, while Catholics came in third at 15 percent. The rest? Other Christian denominations — 6 percent; Jewish — 10 percent; Other — 6 percent; Muslim — 3 percent; Buddhist — 2 percent.


“I’m more just personally religious. I don’t attend church; I just read from my Bible,” freshman Andrew Bellah told the Daily News. “I don’t think it feels out of the ordinary. One of the things that comes with going to a very liberal school like Yale is that people let you do what you want to do.”


The paper sent the surveys to 1,578 incoming freshmen and reported that 864 responded to the survey.

Anonymous ID: 702c4d Sept. 12, 2018, 10:12 a.m. No.2991102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1123 >>1133

Washington Post: President Trump Responsible For Hurricanes!



On Tuesday night, as Hurricane Florence approached the Carolinas, The Washington Post issued an op-ed insisting that President Trump is “complicit” in the attacks powerful hurricanes mount against the United States.


Noting that Florence, a Category 4 hurricane, will be the strongest hurricane to ever hit the East Coast so far north if it comes inland, the Post opined, “ … when it comes to extreme weather, Mr. Trump is complicit. He plays down humans’ role in increasing the risks, and he continues to dismantle efforts to address those risks.”


The Post then quoted a climate researcher who posited of Hurricane Harvey, “Harvey could not have produced so much rain without human-induced climate change.” The op-ed continued. “Now Florence is feasting on warm Atlantic Ocean water.”


More supposed evidence: “Scientists also warn that climate change may be slowing the wind currents that guide hurricanes, making storms more sluggish and, therefore, apt to linger longer over disaster zones.”


Then, a direct slam against the Trump administration: “With depressingly ironic timing, the Trump administration announced Tuesday a plan to roll back federal rules on methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is the main component in natural gas.” And a predictable comparison between Trump and environmentalist Barack Obama: “The Trump administration has now attacked all three pillars of President Barack Obama’s climate-change plan.”


The Post concludes, “The president has cemented the GOP’s legacy as one of reaction and reality denial. Sadly, few in his party appear to care.”


The Post picks and chooses when it comes to global warming. Here’s evidence countering their suppositions: As Forbes reported in 2011: “The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland recently revealed an inverse correlation between periodic changes in sunspot activity levels, and quantities of cosmic rays entering Earth's atmosphere that trigger surface-cooling cloud formations.” In other words, as Forbes wrote, “natural fluctuations in solar activity are the only climate influences that matter.”


For a comprehensive takedown which lists 10 of the vast number of scientific problems with the assumption human activity is causing “global warming” or “climate change,” see here.

Anonymous ID: 702c4d Sept. 12, 2018, 10:16 a.m. No.2991144   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Senate Intel Chairman Says ‘No Evidence’ of Trump-Russia Collusion


Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr threw more cold water on Robert Mueller’s year-long investigation into Russian collusion Wednesday, saying his panel has found “no hard evidence” of the Trump campaign coordinating with the Kremlin.


I can say as it relates to the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation that we have no hard evidence of collusion…


Sen. Burr was speaking with Fox News when he was pressed on whether his committee has seen intelligence relating to Russian election meddling and President Trump.


“I can say as it relates to the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation that we have no hard evidence of collusion. Now, we’re not over. That leaves the opportunity that we might find something that we don’t have today,” said Burr.


“We found a lot of things we didn’t anticipate that we would find. We’ve had to chase a lot of threads that needed to be chased,” he added.