Anonymous ID: bb357c Sept. 12, 2018, 10:01 a.m. No.2990984   🗄️.is 🔗kun




This is vaguely reminiscent of how they played the whole Sessions thing>


1: Dems hate Sessions

2: Sessions acts in secret but publicly is a dope.

3: Dems LOVE Sessions trapping themselves.


1: Deep State controls weather tech in secret

2: Trump caputres weather tech and uses it

3: Deepstate OUTS the secret weather tech to hurt Trump thus resulting in massive disclosure of hidden tech… and truth comes out.


See what I mean anons… I think something like this is going on behind the scenes… I am not a fucking genius but this seems to fit and be within the operating capability of the good guys.

Anonymous ID: bb357c Sept. 12, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.2991123   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Its just all about Glowbull Warming… Punish the States and reward China for pollution and somehow that will improve an environment that is not a problem and is acting normally…

Anonymous ID: bb357c Sept. 12, 2018, 10:25 a.m. No.2991221   🗄️.is 🔗kun


… leading scientist… Yeah right. ATTS is a scam. Most likely perpetrated by a group like the CIA/Podesta. Really. Look at the stage sets they use… Look at the guy with the big fore(five)head… They are actors. This Corey Goode guy would be dead in a hot minute if even 1% of what he leaked is true. Same goes for Dark Journalist… Produciton value is WAY too high on both these fuckers for their shit to be real. They are disinfo campaigns that were set up out there long ago for a number of reasons. Probably to back up the fake alien invasion thing using the firesign thing. Its chaff my friends. This is coming from someone thinks that it is VERY likely that we are in first contact right now and that we have been for about 2 generations. A guy who follows secureteam 10 and has flashed laser pointers at flash-bulb like lights in the sky that move erratically. Academy To The Stars and all that touches it is radioactive HIV with cancer.