“I’m proud to be a racist”
Israeli citizen
“I’m proud to be a racist”
Israeli citizen
“Our race is the master race”
Menachem Begin
>What the Jews did to Germany is what they’re doing to America
repeating history, much like they repeat their memes and posts here.
>muh 1488D chess
Israeli children taught violence and hate
Talmudic view of gentiles
23 million now. Do I hear 24? 24 anyone?
“Antisemitism as a weapon for Israel”
Robert Jensen
“I think they should just clear off all the city, just take it off the ground.”
Israelis enjoying massacre of Gaza
At the end of each day, on average, 22 US veterans commit suicide while Hollywood comes together to raise funds for the diaper wearing, child killing IDF.
“It’s not Arabs”
Shortly after 9/11, it was confirmed 9 of the alleged Hijackers were found alive and well and victims of identity theft. But that wasn’t important. Israel getting us to die for their phony wars (again) was all that mattered. It’s unfortunate America isn’t run by Americans.
“We kept him alive to help us”
-Alan Pomerantz
Gentiles only exist to serve the jews.
They say this all the time. But for some reason conservatives and christians don't hear it. Imagine believing this was Christ's message, that he sent his son to die because jews need slaves.
“Hope & Change 2.0”
hope you're archiving vids, youtube constantly censors all of these.
Pretty sure when Q talks about Patriots he isn't referring to the United States as much as he is Israel.
Ken O’Keefe
“There is no single report the gas chambers ever existed”
Raul Hilberg
“You cannot be Anti-Establishment, Anti-Globalist, and be Pro-Zionist, Pro-Israel”
So, you support Tommy 4 names who supports Israel who has admitted to arming isis who kill you and blows your kids up, way to go Britain… are you fucking stupid?
this guy gets it.
America: Foreign meddling in our elections is a reality.
It’s just not the country you want it to be.
Israel should have been nuked after they tried to sink the USS liberty.
anonymous = clowns
I wanted to believe, but the whole thing is a let-down. It's just more jewish supremacist bullshit.
It is.