Anonymous ID: 299f37 Sept. 12, 2018, 10:47 a.m. No.2991453   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Third world war is under way since at least a decade. In the modern day a war is:


primarily psychological operations directed -through- unsuspecting third parties, because that is where the greatest source of power exist (we the people) [/ourguys/: Q, enemy players with 'deals' imbedded in key positions, strategic releases of specific information, declassification etc.] [/they/: MSM, falseflag operations as shootings, accidents, etc. Players imbedded in key positions, planting of false information in key admin positions etc.]


secondarily psychological operations directed towards the enemy (misleading, misdirection, disinformation, spamming (create emotional reactions like annoyance, frustration, anger etc.) [/ourguys/: Q, POTUS comms, comms through enemy players with 'deals'] [/they/: not applicable, they know not who is who, fall back to primary]


tertiary actual physical battlefield warfare. [/ourguys/: wiping out d.u.m.b.s, taking out key targets lawfully and with precision] [/they/: rogue military assets, energy weapons, poison, RC cars & planes, lower-hierarchy players (MS13 & others)]


24/7 surveillance, intelligent information gathering and processing to assist the first three levels of war


THIS PLACE is one front line of this war

HERE anyone can study the primary and secondary actions of both sides first hand and direct

UNDERSTAND that when lurking here


God Bless