Anonymous ID: eb3cd8 Sept. 12, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.2991285   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1355

In the reporter/FBI CHART , there are several times that the arrows only go one way. All but one of those times, the arrows go from report to a federal employee/agent.

What do you think the one way arrows mean? A call that was not answered or is it a text?

What do the 2-way arrows means? Are they all phone calls? Or texts that were answered?

Anonymous ID: eb3cd8 Sept. 12, 2018, 10:37 a.m. No.2991352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1581 >>1591


we know he was dirty, but as Q said, if you were given a chance to cooperate with the good guys to get out from under the cabal, would you take it?


Is he dirty now, is the question.


We know he was dirty, that is why no body knows for sure that he is now.

Anonymous ID: eb3cd8 Sept. 12, 2018, 10:46 a.m. No.2991449   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1463





New text messages between ex-FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal others were "leaking like mad" in the run-up to the Trump-Russia collusion probe, according to new communications between the former lovers obtained exclusively by Fox News.




A lengthy exchange dated Dec. 15, 2016 appears to reveal a potential leak operation for “political” purposes.


“Oh, remind me to tell you tomorrow about the times doing a story about the rnc hacks,” Page texted Strzok.



“And more than they already did? I told you Quinn told me they pulling out all the stops on some story…” Strzok replied.


A source told Fox News “Quinn” could be referring to Richard Quinn, who served as the chief of the Media and Investigative Publicity Section in the Office of Public Affairs. Quinn could not be reached for comment.


Strzok again replied: “Think our sisters have begun leaking like mad. Scorned and worried, and political, they’re kicking into overdrive.”



In one passage, Strzok apparently misreads a reference to "rnc" as "mc," and then, realizing his error, blames "old man eyes."


It is unclear at this point to whom Strzok was referring when he used the term “sisters.”



Retired FBI special agent and former FBI national spokesman John Iannarelli told Fox News it could be a reference to another government agency.


“Sisters is an odd phrase to use,” Iannarelli told Fox News Wednesday. “It could be any intelligence agency or any other federal law enforcement agency. The FBI works with all of them because, post 9/11, it’s all about cooperation and sharing.”


There are 17 agencies in the Intelligence Community, including the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the National Security Agency, and the FBI.


The “leaking like mad” text came on the same day that several news outlets reported that U.S. intelligence officials said they were convinced that Russian President Vladimir Putin was personally involved, and approved Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.


Days before, The New York Times published an article titled “Russian Hackers Acted to Aid Trump in Election, U.S. Says,” citing "senior administration officials."


A story published by The New York Times weeks, on Jan. 10, 2017, suggested that Russian hackers “gained limited access” to the Republican National Committee. Jan. 10, 2017 is also the same day BuzzFeed News published the infamous anti-Trump dossier.


Following the text about “sisters leaking,” Strzok wrote to Page:


“And we need to talk more about putting C reporting in our submission. They’re going to declassify all of it…”


Page replied: “I know. But they’re going to declassify their stuff, how do we withhold…”


“We will get extraordinary questions. What we did what we’re doing. Just want to ensure everyone is good with it and has thought thru all implications,” Strzok wrote. “CD should bring it up with the DD.”



Anonymous ID: eb3cd8 Sept. 12, 2018, 10:48 a.m. No.2991463   🗄️.is 🔗kun




A source told Fox News that “C” is likely in reference to classified information, whereas “CD” is Cyber Division, and DD could refer to former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.


McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions in March for making an unauthorized disclosure to the news media, and "lacked candor" under oath on multiple occassions.


It is unclear what “submission” Strzok and Page were referring to.


A source told Fox News that the messages were part of a newly released batch of Strzok-Page communications from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, uncovered as part of his investigation into the start of the FBI’s Russia investigation.


A spokesman for the inspector general declined to comment to Fox News.


Strzok and Page were first brought into the spotlight last December, when it was revealed that Horowitz discovered a series of anti-Trump text messages between the two officials, who were romantically involved.


Strzok and Page both served on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates in the 2016 presidential election. Page served on the special counsel’s team on a short detail, returning back to the FBI’s Office of General Counsel in July 2017.


The discovery of the anti-Trump messages exchanged with Page ultimately got Strzok booted from Mueller’s team and reassigned last year to the FBI’s office of human resources.