Anonymous ID: 0f0c32 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:48 p.m. No.2993336   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3352 >>3374 >>3451 >>3465 >>3520 >>3623



Sec.1.a-e: 45 days after any election, the powers that be analyze the whole thing and determine if foreign actors interefered.

Sec.1.f: 30 days from today, the plan for doing this needs to be set and ready to go.

Sec.2.a-c: As of today, any foreign actor found implicit in election interference has their US assets/resources for screwing with elections blocked, minus some exceptions.

Sec. 3.a-b: After Sections 1 and 2, the powers that be may offer up ideas for sanctions to the President and punish the baddies even more.

Sec. 4.: All US donations to bad actors blocked by Sec. 2 are also blocked. Means no kickbacks to the foreign bad actors.

Sec. 5.a-b: Funneling money to the foreign actors outside of kickbacks is also blocked.

Sec. 6.: Anyone whose assets are blocked by Sec. 2 are physically blocked from entering the country.

Sec. 7.a-b: Trying to evade the actions outlined above is prohibited. Notable quote: "Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this order is prohibited."

Sec. 8.a-i: Legalese and definitions.

Sec. 9: Because transferring money on a dime is easy once you know you're about to be blocked, there is no need for prior notification if you're on the chopping block. Means instant asset blocking of bad actors before they can skip town.

Sec. 10: This order doesn't block official governmental money transfers.

Sec. 11: The powers that be are hereby given the power to kick ass on the above.

Sec. 12: The Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to submit reports and findings on this to Congress.

Sec. 13: This order is to be implemented consistent with previously established Presidential authorities.

Sec. 14.a-c: This order doesn't step on anyone elses' toes.

Anonymous ID: 0f0c32 Sept. 12, 2018, 12:59 p.m. No.2993520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3600 >>3623



A. Complete physical and financial shutdown of foreign assholes and their domestic traitorous shitbags. Soros, get the fuck out of here.

B. This shuts down the unregulated 501(c)3 foundation bullshit in a way that legalese and Congress could never do/never would have in the first place. Granted, it's only on the foreign-domestic side, but it's a healthy start.

C. Note that this also covers "election traffic", or other intel-based stuff that might be more direct than just finances. Basically, people, voting machines, and intel. Five Eyes, get fucked.

D. The use of the word "conspiracy" is fantastic because it does take two to tango. If one asshole goes down, the other goes down as well, and with the web of bullshit we've got on the books, there'll be more people going down than ever before.

E. Instant asset blocking before official notice is given to the shitbag is key. Note: DJT signed this before giving notice to Congress. I suspect many Congressmen already had assets frozen before they even knew they were on the chopping block. Capitol Hill might reek at the moment because so many fuckweasels just shit their pants.


Granted, we won't really know until the plan unfolds, but I'll throw a case of beer on this: