Anonymous ID: 0a7df7 Sept. 12, 2018, 1:28 p.m. No.2994003   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4011 >>4052 >>4068


Who owns 8chan?


N.T. Technology owns 8chan.

And who owns N.T. Technology?


Jim Watkins.

How did that happen? What about Hotwheels?


To understand this, you have to understand 8chan's actual history and not the erroneous meme histories on, e.g., Wikipedia or Encylopedia Dramatica.


8chan was created with a quick hack to the vichan imageboard software in October 2013. It had few fans and most boards were in languages other than English.


When the GamerGate drama began on 4chan in August 2014, a small 8chan archive board called /burgers/ was created. However, owing to revelations about 4chan's founder and a subsequent crackdown on GamerGate threads by 4chan's moderation team, GamerGate posters searched the web for an alternative anonymous discussion board to use.


After either being ousted by the moderators of other websites or having to leave due to server issues, the /burgers/ archive board became a de facto base of operations.


When the then-owner Hotwheels upgraded the servers to support the higher capacity demanded by the many GamerGate users, 8chan became their home and some users took it upon themselves to create the many general-interest boards available on 8chan today.

Okay, but how did Hotwheels lose control of 8chan?


With 8chan's increasing popularity and media attention, the American hosting company N.T. Technology noticed the struggling imageboard and offered Hotwheels an attractive hosting agreement: they would not shut down the site over abuse reports unless they were not acted on in a timely manner after being filed; they would give 8chan an entire rack in their data center; and they would do all of this for free so long as they were entitled to 60% of any profit 8chan would generate while being hosted by them.


Since Hotwheels believed 8chan was either many years away from any profit or that it would never make one at all, he accepted the offer, which put all of the risk on N.T. Technology and would allow 8chan to continue existing, as it was having a difficult time finding a host that would put up with the antics of the site's anonymous users. 8chan switched hosting providers due to differences in opinion over takedowns and content five times in the month of September 2014. That would not happen ever again.


However, the story doesn't end here. The original agreement dealt only with servers and bandwidth, but in January 2015, everything changed. At the height of GamerGate, 8chan sustained a massive DDoS attack using the for-hire Lizard Squad stresser. After that attack subsided, the domain registrar of 8chan's original domain,, seized control of the domain and redirected all users to a landing page advertising jailbait pornography.

Anonymous ID: 0a7df7 Sept. 12, 2018, 1:29 p.m. No.2994011   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4068




Watkins can afford to fund 8chanโ€™s losses thanks to his other internet successes. In the late โ€™90s, while serving in the US Army, he struck it rich with a pioneering Japanese porn website called "Asian Bikini Bar." (It's no longer online.) Watkins later quit the Army to focus full-time on his company, N.T. Technology, which manages several web properties. He runs the company from the Philippines, where he's lived with his family since 2007. He said he currently spends most of his working hours on The Goldwater, and in his spare time he tends to his pig farm.


Watkins's son, Ron, works for the family business as an admin for 8chan. He isn't involved in The Goldwater but told BuzzFeed News in an email that the site is growing quickly.

Anonymous ID: 0a7df7 Sept. 12, 2018, 1:52 p.m. No.2994463   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


It doesn't matter they censor us or not. Trump haters think we are all crazy psycho anyway and won't listen. What would turn their head is a high level arrests or let Q shine the light on everything. I mean everything.