Anonymous ID: 71f870 Sept. 12, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.2993751   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3782

"9/11 War Games"

The Corbett Report


Excellent Analysis of what was going on 11 September 2001. Before the attacks, during the attacks, and after the attacks.


There were MULTIPLE training exercises scheduled for that day involving simulations of hijacking airliners used as weapons.


Further NORAD practiced the scenario FIVE separate times BEFORE 9/11. Exercises named "Falcon Indian", targeting:

1) United Nations Building in New York, Nov 1999

2) Statue of Liberty, June 2000

3) White House, June 2000

4) UN, Oct 2000

5) UN, Oct 2000


Other drills simulated an attack of the World Trade Center. There are many of these exercises. Examples: Exercise Amalgam Virgo 01 June 2000. Coronet White 1999. Amalgam Warrior 2000. Vigilant Guardian 2000. Fertile Rice (in which Osama Bin Laden attacks Washington DC with a remote controlled aircraft.)


The Pentagon was also targeted in these drills involving a plane flown into the Pentagon on THREE separate occasions in the year prior to the 9/11 attacks.


In the days following the attacks Condi Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, George W Bush, and Dick Cheney all said 'no one could ever envision these types of attacks happening and therefore did not prepare.'


The day of 9/11 tells a different story. Phantom aircraft inserted on radar screens, scrambled fighters, live simulations of the attacks, confusion.


The video is professionally researched and well presented. About an hour long.