Anonymous ID: 852caa Sept. 12, 2018, 1:43 p.m. No.2994283   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This Reddit ban is awesome.


I bet a good percentage of those deep state cucks were reading through Reddit daily and trying to base their decisions on the condensed feed. They could probably check in once a day there to put their minds at ease. Now they have to come here. They have to get into this pig pen and try to wrestle a hog in the mud. Pigs don't seem to mind the mess, I find it kind of nice myself. Also without the subreddit available, more normies will come here to the source out of necessity. That means more shit in the pig pen. These boards are going to start flying by. Oldfags will have a hard time keeping up soon. The pressure rises, suits are getting dirty, the prisoners dilemma intensifies.