Anonymous ID: c1a802 Sept. 12, 2018, 1:34 p.m. No.2994122   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4408


>Has anyone ACTUALLY seen this hurricane Florence? Is there any video of it other than from the calm "eye"

>This is all a movie. Enjoy the Show.

>Weird Theory here guys: There is. no. hurricane.

>This is the storm that POTUS has been referencing and that Q has been hinting at. It's all fake.


You are probably correct, anon.


Hurricane Florence is most likely a cover for 'The Storm'.


POTUS' tweet from September 10th, contained a code which refers to Electronic Warfare. I posted this yesterday morning. >>2973703


Capital letters from Trump's tweet from September 10th form -in reverse- the abbreviation EWOLS.


EWOLS = Electronic Warfare Open Labor Simulator


Found some military EW documents on it:[1].pdf


I think the military is manipulating the radars by projecting/simulating a hurricane with EW technology.


They need an excuse/cover to evacuate/clear out the land for coming operations, aka 'The Storm', so civilians will be SAFE.


It's Happening!

The Storm is coming.


Anonymous ID: c1a802 Sept. 12, 2018, 1:49 p.m. No.2994408   🗄️.is 🔗kun




(Credit goes to anon with ID: 231815)


Sorry anon, but I had to re-do your clockwork...


Updated it with more clues to the arrest of HRC on September 17th.


Won't be surprising if Hurricane Florence is used as a cover for 'The Storm'...


See: >>2994122