Anonymous ID: e884da Sept. 12, 2018, 1:16 p.m. No.2993771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3802 >>4069 >>4341 >>4471



More visitors flock to Damascus International Fair


Syrian Army Resumes Its Operation Against ISIS Cells In Homs-Deir Ezzor Desert (Map)


Terrorists put finishing touches to new chemical play in Idleb and Hama countryside

The agency cited sources from Idleb confirming that meetings were held in one of Jabhat al-Nusra sites in Idleb, including a number of leaders from al-Nusra and the White Helmets terrorists and cameramen from a number of Foreign agencies to set up the final touches regarding the upcoming chemical play due to be implemented in various areas in al-Ghab Palin, Hama northern countryside and Jisr al-Shughour.

The sources added that Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization and its affiliated groups have brought 12 civilians from Idleb who can speak English in order to communicate with foreign media outlets once the play starts to be divided to groups in several areas in Jisr al-Shoughour, al-Ghab Plain and Hama northern countryside.

The sources said that the fabricated preparations will include a real chemical massacre as a shipment of five chlorine gas cylinders was delivered to the so-called Jaish al-Izza terrorists on Saturday from the leaders of the so-called Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham and the White Helmets, in which the chlorine toxic substance was transported to one of newly built sites inside a tunnel between Latamina and Kafar Zeita towns, along the western farms of Latmina town in the northern countryside of Hama.


‘Something big is coming’: French aid worker in Aleppo says Syrians bracing for US attack

“We can see what the Americans are trying to do. Two years ago we got about 30 Tomahawk [missiles] launched at the country, a year ago we got one hundred missiles from France, America, and the UK, and now we know that something big is going to happen… They don’t want to see the war getting over.”

“When I heard countries, like my country France, calling these people rebels – and still today in Idlib they say ‘rebels’ – this is not true. The majority of the people are terrorists.”


Turkey Increases Weapon Supplies To Northern Syria Militants – Report

“They pledged complete Turkish military support for a long, protracted battle … These arms supplies and munitions will allow the battle to extend and ensure our supplies are not drained in a war of attrition,” Reuters quoted the FSA commander, who recently met with Turkish officials, as saying.

According to the commander, the weapons, which includes ammunition and Grad rockets, were delivered to armed groups in the northern Syrian governorate of Idlib and in the areas around it over the last few days.

“They [militants] are getting new shipments of munitions — they don’t need more than munitions … The Turks are making sure they have enough munitions that keep them going for a long while,” a second FSA commander told Reuters.


Terrorists suffer heavy losses under army’s strikes in Hama countryside

Terrorist groups, affiliated to Jabhat al-Nusra and Turkistan Party, suffered heavy losses in their ranks and equipment as the Syrian army killed and injured many of their members and destroyed their vehicles within the framework of its military operations in the northern and western countryside of Hama province.

SANA reporter in Hama stated that the army’s artillery targeted Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists who were fortifying their positions and digging tunnels in the western outskirts of Tel Waset village in the northern countryside of Hama, killing and injuring many of them, in addition to destroying 3 dens with terrorists inside them.


Syrian Army Uncovers Another Ammo Depot In Southern Deir Ezzor

On September 12, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) discovered an ammo depot, which was left behind by ISIS fighters, in the vicinity of the city of al-Mayadeen in the southern Deir Ezzor countryside during a search operation, according to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA).

The ammo depot contained a 12,7mm machine gun, a RPG-18 anti-tank rocket launcher, mortar shells, battle tank rounds, explosive materials and a satellite communication device.


Army establishes fire control over new areas in al-Safa hills, Sweida Badyia

SANA- Army units, in cooperation with the supporting forces, tightened the noose on the remnants of Daesh (ISIS) terrorists in the area of al-Safa hills, the last bastion of the Takfiri organization in the depth of Sweida eastern Badyia (desert).

Anonymous ID: e884da Sept. 12, 2018, 1:21 p.m. No.2993864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3905 >>3983 >>4069 >>4341 >>4471

Father of German Man Murdered by Migrants Heckled and Called ‘Nazi’ After Speaking Out


The father of a 30-year-old killed by migrants was heckled by far-left activists at a demonstration in Schweinfurt over the weekend and labelled a “Nazi” for speaking about the case of his son.


Karsten Hempel attended the demonstration “Kandel is Everywhere”, a reference to the murder of 15-year-old Mia from the town of Kandel who was stabbed to death by her migrant ex-boyfriend in December last year, on Saturday to talk about his own experience losing his son, German news website Journalistenwatch reports.


His son, 30-year-old Marcus Hempel, was killed in 2017 in Wittenberg after being beaten by two Syrian asylum seekers. According to Karsten, the public prosecutor’s office claimed that the Syrian had killed his son in self-defence and suspected his son of starting the confrontation with xenophobic rhetoric.


The right-wing NGO Einprozent interviewed Karsten in a half-hour long documentary in which he claimed that the local media tried to paint his son as a Nazi, while a press release from police claimed that Marcus and his friend had been verbally assaulted by the migrants, after which a fight broke out.


Baffled by the fact the prosecutor and the police had contrary reports, Karsten hired a lawyer to go over the CCTV footage and said: “I watched the video alone. I showed it to no one. At first, it was very difficult, but only in the beginning. I think I have watched it a hundred times by now.”


The video of the assault is shown in the Einprozent film and shows Marcus walk past the group of Syrians who seem to say something to him as he walks into a shopping centre. Marcus turns around with his female friend to confront them, is pushed, and slaps one of the Syrians who then repeatedly punches Marcus who fell. He later died of his injuries.


The video contradicted the prosecution’s statement which claimed Marcus had been punched once — not three times — and that Marcus had been the first to engage physically.


Karsten also claims to have discovered that the migrant may have known his son prior to the attack, saying that Marcus would walk a friend’s dog in the area where the asylum seeker lived and that his son’s ex-girlfriend had told him Marcus had “problems” with some Syrian asylum seekers.


Following the murder of Daniel Hillig in Chemnitz, and most recently the killing of 22-year-old Markus B. in Köthen on Saturday, Germans have taken to the streets to protest murders following the arrests of asylum seekers.


In Chemnitz, thousands took to the streets in several protests including a silent funeral march partially organised by the anti-mass migration Alternative for Germany (AfD), the official opposition in the German parliament. The protest also saw some participants carry photos of other Germans who had been murdered by asylum seekers including victims of Berlin Christmas market terror attacker Anis Amri.


In one of the Chemnitz protests, organised by local football hooligans, German media and Chancellor Angela Merkel spoke of “migrant hunts” but these claims were dismissed by the head of Germany’s domestic intelligence agency Hans-Georg Maassen.


“Based on my cautious assessment, there are good reasons to believe that this was intentional false information, possibly to detract attention from the murder in Chemnitz,” Maassen said.

Anonymous ID: e884da Sept. 12, 2018, 1:24 p.m. No.2993910   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Internet Disaster’: EU Parliament Approves ‘Upload Filter’ Criticised as Meme Ban


Controversial new European Union (EU) laws that could force tech firms to monitor all web uploads, destroy internet meme culture, and disadvantage small news websites have been approved by the European Parliament.


The vote in Strasbourg on Wednesday was 438 in favour of the measures, 226 against, and 39 abstentions.


The European Commission has claimed the laws will update copyright rules, giving publishers and big music labels a fairer deal, but critics say they could lead to mass surveillance and alternative news sources shutting down.


The most contentious sections are the directive’s Article 11 and Article 13, which detractors have dubbed the “link tax” and the “upload filter” respectively.


They were initially rejected by the parliament after a campaign spearheaded by UKIP, and an intervention by British inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and co-founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales, who raised concerns about online freedom.


The redrafted directive now insists that “small and micro platforms [are] excluded from directive’s scope” and “hyperlinks, accompanied by ‘individual words’ can be shared freely” in an attempt to reassure critics.


It had been argued that taxing links would hand an advantage to larger, well resourced mainstream media platforms.

Anonymous ID: e884da Sept. 12, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.2993962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Leaking Like Mad": FBI-DOJ-MSM Collusion Went Far Deeper Than Previously Known


The FBI's coordination with the mainstream media surrounding the 2016 US election - a "media leak strategy" which was first first revealed Tuesday, goes far deeper than first reported, according to Fox News, which obtained "new communications between the former lovers."


A December 15, 2016 email appears to discuss a "political" leaking operation, in which others were "leaking like mad" amid the Trump-Russia probe.


“Oh, remind me to tell you tomorrow about the times doing a story about the rnc hacks,” Page texted Strzok.


“And more than they already did? I told you Quinn told me they pulling out all the stops on some story…” Strzok replied.


A source told Fox News “Quinn” could be referring to Richard Quinn, who served as the chief of the Media and Investigative Publicity Section in the Office of Public Affairs. Quinn could not be reached for comment.


Strzok again replied: “Think our sisters have begun leaking like mad. Scorned and worried, and political, they’re kicking into overdrive.”


In one passage, Strzok apparently misreads a reference to "rnc" as "mc," and then, realizing his error, blames "old man eyes."


It is unclear at this point to whom Strzok was referring when he used the term “sisters.” -Fox News


"Sisters" may refer to sister agency.


“Sisters is an odd phrase to use,” retired FBI special agent and former FBI national spokesman John Iannarelli told Fox News Wednesday. “It could be any intelligence agency or any other federal law enforcement agency. The FBI works with all of them because, post 9/11, it’s all about cooperation and sharing.”

Anonymous ID: e884da Sept. 12, 2018, 1:32 p.m. No.2994079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4110 >>4223 >>4341 >>4422 >>4469 >>4471

Pedophile’s Decapitated Corpse Found On Judge’s Doorstep After Bail Hearing In Aurora, Illinois


The decapitated corpse that was found on a judge’s doorstep in Aurora, Illinois has been identified as belonging to a notorious pedophile who was recently allowed to walk free on bail by the judge, according to reports.


William Smith, 28, from Aurora, Illinois was discovered in the early hours of Tuesday morning, decapitated and slumped against the front door of the judge who had granted him bail in August.


Smith was arrested last month following allegations by his then girlfriend that he had raped her 8-year-old daughter.


After a police investigation in which Smith was found in possession of child pornography, he was arrested on two counts related to child pornography and one count of child molestation.


After being charged, Smith walked free from the court after the judge controversially ruled that he did not pose a threat to the local community, and he raised the $30,000 bail required to trigger his freedom.


The alleged victim’s family said they were “shocked” that Smith had been allowed to walk free from court.

Smith was awaiting trial for his crimes and was awaiting a court date which was due to be scheduled for later this year, however it seems that somebody from the local Aurora community decided to take matters into their own hands.The judge, whose name has been withheld, was woken at around 3am by his “frenzied” barking dog. When he went outside to find out what his dog was barking about, he found the decapitated body of the man he had allowed to walk free slumped against his front door with the severed head left on the steps.


Investigating officers described his death scene as resembling a “gangland-style execution“.


A local resident said of the horrific discovery that finding a headless body was an “unusual” occurrence: “This is a nice area.This is the kind of thing that usually happens in mob films, but not around here.”


Aurora police say they are currently “following leads” but have yet to make any arrests for the murder.

Anonymous ID: e884da Sept. 12, 2018, 1:47 p.m. No.2994366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4395 >>4446