Anonymous ID: 0afda4 Sept. 12, 2018, 1:59 p.m. No.2994575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4622 >>4719





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Anonymous ID: 0afda4 Sept. 12, 2018, 2:04 p.m. No.2994666   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4886 >>5186 >>5309 >>5377

Ex-NSA Director Disputes Report That Trump Asked Him To Push Back On Collusion Probe


Former National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers on Tuesday disputed a report published in May 2017 alleging that President Donald Trump asked him to push back against the FBI’s collusion investigation.


“I’ve never had a discussion with collusion with the president of the United States,” Rogers said at an event held at George Mason University, according to CBS News.


“I’ve never been directed to do anything, coerced — any time I had a discussion I felt I was able to say, ‘Hey, here’s my view on that.'” (RELATED: Director Of National Intelligence Says He Can’t Comment On Report That Trump Asked Him To Deny Russia Collusion)


The Washington Post reported May 22, 2017, that Trump separately asked Rogers and Dan Coates, the director of the office of national intelligence, to push back against the FBI’s investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian government.


The alleged request came after then-FBI Director James Comey testified that the bureau was investigating whether members of the Trump team conspired with the Kremlin to influence the 2016 presidential election.


Citing multiple anonymous sources, WaPo reported that Rogers refused to comply with Trump’s request. The newspaper also reported that a senior NSA official wrote a memo detailing the interaction between Trump and Rogers. (RELATED: Senate Intel Chairman Says He Has Not Seen Evidence Of Collusion)


“I was never asked that,” Rogers said Tuesday in regard to whether Trump made the request.


When asked why he did not publicly rebut the story after it was published, Rogers said that if he spent time shooting down inaccurate media reports, “I’d never get anything done.”

Anonymous ID: 0afda4 Sept. 12, 2018, 2:05 p.m. No.2994678   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4886 >>5186 >>5309 >>5377

‘Green’ Homes In New Orleans Built By Brad Pitt Charity After Hurricane Katrina Are Falling Apart


After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005, actor Brad Pitt created a charity called the “Make It Right Foundation,” which built homes for those in the city’s Lower 9th Ward. The homes were supposed to be “affordable, high-quality, environmentally sustainable” and “safe,” according to the foundation’s website. But an NBC investigation has found that the homes are falling apart, and the organization has “all but disappeared.”


NBC spoke to Kamaria Allen, who purchased one of the Make It Right homes for $130,000 in 2011 but has since abandoned the house which has “mushrooms growing from its split siding” and “wooden boards propping up its sagging roof,” NBC reports.


The news outlet spoke to 11 residents (10 on the record) who said the houses are “rotting and dangerous.”


“They complain of mold and collapsing structures, electrical fires and gas leaks,” NBC reported. “They say the houses were built too quickly, with low-quality materials, and that the designs didn’t take into account New Orleans’ humid, rainy climate.”


And now Make It Right has disappeared.


“Make It Right hasn’t built a home, filed tax forms or updated its website since 2015,” NBC reported. “The downtown New Orleans office has been closed, the staff has been cut to a handful and residents say their calls go unreturned. While Pitt ordered inspections for the homes in 2016, according to a spokesperson, residents say they’re still waiting for the results and for much-needed repairs.”


Last week, two residents filed a lawsuit against Pitt and the foundation. In August 2012, an environmental inspection company hired by Make It Right reported it had found mold in Allen’s kitchen cabinets and basidiospores, which ““are often associated with advance mold rot caused by a chronic moisture condition.” Allen had previously complained to her doctor of headaches and constant fatigue. The rest of her family lives in another home built by Make It Right.


“Allen’s father, Keith, 63, quit his job as a yacht builder in 2013 after a mysterious illness brought on near-constant tremors, which made it a struggle for him to open water bottles and button shirts. Her mother, Sharon, 65, has trouble breathing and suffers from frequent respiratory infections, and her brother Khalid, 20, has been in and out of the hospital in the last few years for issues including muscle tremors, impaired speech, breathing problems and memory loss,” NBC reported. “The family believes the symptoms are connected to the mold, and they say doctors have told them to leave the house, but they cannot afford to unless Make It Right buys it back.”


Allen received a cash settlement from Make it Right in 2012. She was repaid her down payment and a year’s worth of mortgage payments. She signed a nondisclosure form, but broke it to speak to NBC in an attempt to help others.


Pitt wanted to help people — an admirable goal — but just because something is billed as charitable and environmentally friendly shouldn’t free it from initial scrutiny. People like Allen, her family, and her neighbors aren’t helped when political correction trumps safety.

Anonymous ID: 0afda4 Sept. 12, 2018, 2:07 p.m. No.2994713   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Exclusive: Christopher Steele Was In Contact with British MI6 and Russian SVR During the 2016 Election


Christopher Steele was an agent of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, also known as MI6, during the time that he was working for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the DNC, according to several current and former US intelligence officials.

Anonymous ID: 0afda4 Sept. 12, 2018, 2:09 p.m. No.2994761   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tulsi Gabbard calls out Trump’s troubling double standard on Al-Qaeda


Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard marked 9/11 by pointing out that Donald Trump paid tribute to the victims of Al-Qaeda even while protecting the terrorist group's last stronghold in Syria – sparking a range of responses online.


In a tweet written on the seventeenth anniversary of the tragic terrorist attacks, Gabbard noted that “while President Trump & VP Pence give 9/11 speeches about how much they care about the victims of al-Qaeda’s attack on our country, they are simultaneously acting as protectors of AQ in Syria/Idlib, threatening Russia and Syria that if they attack al-Qaeda, we will punish them.”

Anonymous ID: 0afda4 Sept. 12, 2018, 2:36 p.m. No.2995326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5357

>>2995236 LURK MOAR




AJ is a gatekeeper and the PR department for the cabal. Like a drug dealer has to get busted so the public can find out how badass they were, the cabal and (((their))) psychopathic EGO needs to be scratched but they don't want to get busted to show off. So they control the OPPOSITION AJ.


  1. So they use AJ to brag about all the EVIL shit they've done and are doing.They never thought she'd lose so weren't concerned about getting busted.


  1. As a gatekeeper AJ keeps the awakened population away from curtain issues, Q, Israel/mossad, Leo Wanta etc…


  1. Also what (((they))) use AJ for is to make the truth community out to be crackpot conspiracy theorists, look at his rants etc…


  1. Once AJ got on shaky ground when exposed by Q, the cabal media assets came to the rescue by banning him, as pointed out by anon and eluded too by Q when your site is taken down they don't leave a convenient redirection message for users!


  1. Look at how many people (((they))) have killed to keep (((their))) shit secret, yet AJ has been outing the cabal for decades and is still free to go out in public!!!!