Anonymous ID: 5fc652 Sept. 12, 2018, 2:25 p.m. No.2995087   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notice to newfags

For all the refugees, a few things to note.

  1. Welcome.

  2. If you must post, please lurk at least a bread or two before you go shooting your mouth off.

  3. This is not Reddit.

  4. Replying to obvious shills is a waste of your time and is a waste of bread. Use your head before replying.

  5. Think for yourself. Q is not our 'leader'. As far as anyone here is conserned, Q does not endorse or condone anything on this board - nor would we want him to.

  6. Don't namefag. It's unbecoming and embarassing for everyone around you.

  7. There's probably a lot more that I'm taking for granted. If you have a question - lurk first for the answer.