Anonymous ID: 87d11b Sept. 12, 2018, 2:16 p.m. No.2994908   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pretty sure I've figured out why Jeff Sessions recused himself from Muh Russia.


Doing so is what put is DAG, Rod Rosenstein, in charge of the "investigation"/Witch Hunt.


First of all, this was setting up Sessions for the "Sleepy" appearance, but that's all it is.

Sessions goes after the gangs, drugs (fentanyl), traffickers, etc etc, but most of that isn't done publicly.

(Don't want to broadcast to the enemy what movements are taking place.)


Sessions would have known about Rod Rosenstein signing off on the FISA "warrants", as well as Adm. Rogers (NSA owns the internets).


Hell, at LEAST the NYT, WaPo, and Buzzfeed had the unredacted version by March 2017. Granted, WaPo probably had it via Podesta and all his cronies who retained security clearance, among other means.


Guess who was appointed as DAG in Feb. 2017? Rosenstein.

Guess when Sessions recused himself! March 2ndish, 2017.

When was Rosenstein confirmed? April 17th, 2017.


So… knowing that this was happening… and knowing that Comey was holding with GEOTUS not being under investigation…

Rod Rosenstein had no choice but to accept his appointment and confirmation.


What was he going to do? Admit that Comey was lying? That Rosenstein had personally signed off on the FISA warrant? Hell no!

That'd ruin everything! Besides, he probably thought "He's making this too easy for (((us)))!".


Basically, since Rosenstein was in charge of the investigation, and he got to bring in Mueller… they thought it was a wrap.

They figured they'd find something done to that would be done eventually by Trump or by someone in his administration or one of the sleepers would make him look bad… something.


Buuuuuut that never happened.

No ending the investigation, no firing the people in charge without revealing/declassifying classified evidence…

None of that ever happened. At no point were they finding that "GOTCHA!" bs moment they were looking for.


And now we're here with rising public and media attention to the FISA documents and it's not even needing to be spearheaded by Trump.

Judicial Watch constantly making FOIA requests helps to get the congress/senate talking about things because they can no longer be ignored.


So, while (((they))) leak "things to say", /ourguys/ suggest things to ask about…

Think "Q and The Socratic Method".


A good question leads to good answers.

Good answer invariably lead to more questions.

And so on, and so forth.

Anonymous ID: 87d11b Sept. 12, 2018, 2:35 p.m. No.2995303   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's not really going to be hard to label 8ch as (fill in the blank).


Sticks and stones may break their bones, but words are violence and need to be restricted before they kill someone… apparently.