Anonymous ID: 2147e9 Sept. 12, 2018, 3:25 p.m. No.2996246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6470 >>6492 >>6647

Stay vigilant. May I request that patriots refrain from posting nudity/porn or any inflammatory race-baiting type of posts.


As Q mentions, they are using the AJ template to roll out the Qanon "ban from all platforms" just before the elections.


They are hoping such "full-metal jackets" treatment of conservative views will shun anyone from speaking the truth about their proposed plan to cheat in broad daylight during elections.


It is a do or die situation for them



Stay vigilant.

Stay Patriotic.

Do not give in to the dark side.

Anonymous ID: 2147e9 Sept. 12, 2018, 3:28 p.m. No.2996286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6307


>>Technocratic elite

Anonymous ID: 2147e9 Sept. 12, 2018, 3:39 p.m. No.2996452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6618

>>Ban, Ban those who oppose the Demon-cratic and Technocratic elite

>>Create false narratives and projection on (((collusion with russia))) so that their own U1 cabal deal and collusion with Christopher steele will not come out.

>>Call conservatives racists, basement dwellers, deplorable

>>Be the racists you say you are fighting against.

>>Be the ruling class you say you are against

>>Cheat, lie about immigration, sexually abuse kids through trafficking, through phone charities

>> promote abortion (population control)

>>promot LQBTQ & NAMBLA lifestyles

>>sell the idea to their own plantation dwellers that the "state will take care of you"

>>Hate the fact America is doing well under Trump

>>Take credit for the fact that America is doing well under Trump

>>Degrade POTUS through porn stars, phoney lawyers

>>Use mass mind control tools of MSM/internet to data mine what the plantation dwellers are thinking

>>Lie about poll numbers

>>Ban those who may oppose


>>Hope to get the House/Senate majority

>> Hope to impeach Trump

>>Hope to go to war with Russia

>>Hope to re-open the child traffickers

>>Roll out Marina Abramovitch for child sacrifices

>>Offerings in pedo island to make their (((god))) happy

>>John "you think you're hot shit dont'cha!" Podesta

>>Welcome back Darth Vader (James Earl Jones)

>>This is CNN (James Earl Jones)