Anonymous ID: bae7ca Sept. 12, 2018, 3:24 p.m. No.2996235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6445

Alexander Downer, spygate and Rosatom


So Alexander Downer who was one of the masterminds behind the Russia-Trump investigation and everything else spygate related, because he had a "drunken" chat with George Papadopoulos, had previously (2007) set up a deal with Rosatom to provide it with Australian uranium.

> A co-operation agreement in the field of nuclear energy has been signed by Sergey Kiriyenko, the head of Russia’s Rosatom, and Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer that will see Australia supply uranium to Russia for processing and for use at its power plants.


> Kiriyenko said that under the terms of the agreement Russia is ready to process 4,000 tonnes of Australian uranium a year saying: “The possible contracts we are negotiating now are about 4,000 tons of uranium a year, which is not far from 1,000,000,000 Australian dollars ($826 million).”


Less than a year prior to that, he had set set up a deal with the Clintons's to give the Clinton Foundation $25m from the Australian tax payers for "aids".


This guy has got to be one of the dirtiest people on this planet, hopefully he gets what coming to the rest of them.