Anonymous ID: 2313ae Sept. 12, 2018, 4:51 p.m. No.2997499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7541


I feel complicit in being marginally awake from 12/13 yet doing little to nothing except entertaining stray talking points here and there and subverting the norm through my example. I graduated highschool at 17 in 2001 and even knowing how fake and corrupt everything was, I felt like the world was open for anything. I thought that even if there were evil things I couldn't prove that was happening behind the scenes long before I was born that I could still have a full, real life. Then 9/11 happened and a tighter vice was put on the feelings of possibility. An undeniable giant suck was unleashed. Basic talking points and consciousness sharing between people changed. And only until recently, even with millions of people understanding what I always knew, the suffocation and snuffing out of longterm security and meaningful life was clouded over everywhere. This is a poor introduction to three questions I have, or will limit myself to:

1) What act of the movie are we on?

2) What can one anon do to help right now? Speaking for myself, I have flexible time and a solid character.

3) Besides the negation of evil, what is one of the first major changes in everyday life good can America and the world expect when shackles start coming off good things and good people?


Lastly, I am often teary when I think of how far the awakening has come and realize there is no going back, only winning. The idea that a real return to that endless possibility feeling I had after high school hits me hard and this time it will be real and I can't thank you enough for that. I never felt comfortable bringing children into this world either knowing what I knew, but that has since changed. I am so thrilled for our future generations and know the era of good will be far outlasting this previous era of pure evil.

Thank you,

A deeply grateful anon