Anonymous ID: 5588e1 Sept. 12, 2018, 4:46 p.m. No.2997435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7454

have any anons watched that new doc 'Active Measures' yet? Another propaganda Trump bashing piece. It flows fast, and well edited to paint a very simple and negative image of Putin and any Trump financial ties to Russia. Yet as usual for all the hype and links they do the same trick as with everything tied to this:


They make all these connections between Trump and Russian oligarchs. They make a quick statement of how Putin was going heavy-handed against all these oligarch (remember the clip of Putin making all of them sign agreements, then calling out Deripaska for not seeing his sig, then making note to get his pen back, classic, YT link below for lulz), then in a quick slight of hand they claim that all those oligarchs are Putin's puppets thus any business dealings with them is directly under Putin's control.


And of course tons of relying on info from the Steele dossier.


Oddly there's not much in google-land for debunking articles on the doc.


Getting bloated going through this much popcorn waiting for the inevitable hammer to drop.