Anonymous ID: 86a5a0 Sept. 12, 2018, 5:06 p.m. No.2997724   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hello Q and fellow anons! Enjoying the show. Most eager to see the big reveal and conclusion, but am being patient. Curious what you think about this Storm related potential ethical compromise.


(((Very Soon))), an NBA team owner will be coming to my home office. This is the culmination of a multi-year effort to find a buyer for a property (as in intellectual, real estate, art, collectable…) I own.


Prior to the arrival of Q, I wouldn't have thought twice about taking money from this person. I've been a closeted conservative for decades, often working with and for some fairly obnoxious/naive liberals, and to do so I've had to learn the art of stealth when it comes to politics. Providing a service and being paid by Your basic ignorant Democrat is one thing, but an elitist with considerable connections to offensive cabalists is another.


The sale of this property will certainly provide me with considerable freedom to maneuver further away from comp'd liberals and cabalists, but to get there I may have to make a deal with the devil, so to speak. The only thing that gives me comfort is that this particular person is not known for their political opinions. In fact, he/she goes out of their way to avoid that mess. Also, this person does have close associations (instagram photos, twitter retweets…) with known libertarian/conservatives and others with strong political opinions, along with other fairly offensive cabal dupe. The art of stealth, or just wishy washy?


The catch is that since Q and becoming educated about so many issues of compromise, I'm torn over whether to get involved with this person, or continue waiting. The risk with waiting is this property losing value after the Storm, due to the nature of the property and it's perceived value to a large body of people still asleep in the Matrix. It also has value to those awakened, but for different reasons. In other words, The Storm changes everything. Even though I am a die hard believer in POTUS and the coming Storm, a part of me hates the idea that I might lose out on a great $ opportunity if I don't act now.


The opinions of ethicists and Biblical students are welcome.