Anonymous ID: b14196 Sept. 12, 2018, 4:31 p.m. No.2997207   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2996987 3791

Anon's on the same page...

Was going to post the same you did but but from link below. I'll skip and throw this in.


There is also a smoking gun connection in this report. It reveals his “care” was administered by MK-Ultra psychiatrist Dr. Winfred Overholser, who signed off on the report. This was the operative who ran the St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C. He specialized in “involuntary psychiatry,” LSD research, truth drugs and was at the center of the mind-control network. St. Elizabeth’s was also where other “sensitive” federal cases were kept during Overholser’s tenure, such as poet Ezra Pound (illegally committed for Axis and “anti-Semitic” sympathies during WWII) and John Hinckley, Jr., who shot Ronald Reagan.


When he was “committed” against his wishes, Forrestal was a private citizen and no longer a high government official. By what authority did the rouge government element take him to Bethesda? Most interesting that during this stage he was surrounded by Zionist Jewish moles such as Marx Leva.


Henry Forrestal tried several times to see his brother James in the hospital but was refused visiting rights by both Dr. Raines and [acting hospital commandant] Captain [B. W.] Hogan. He finally managed to see his brother briefly after he had informed Hogan that he intended to go to the newspapers and after he had threatened legal action against the hospital.


Henry Forrestal stated that when he was finally allowed to see his brother, he found James “acting and talking as sanely and intelligently as any man I’ve ever known.”