Anonymous ID: ca3452 Sept. 12, 2018, 4:50 p.m. No.2997481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7519

More and more I think Team MAGA has rigged the election so that the Dems will take control of Congress

Trump wants to bring down this phony economy and that will do it

POTUS even foreshadowed this in a recent tweet

What no one suspects is that Team MAGA has loaded the DNC ticket with MAGA-plants

Even in "defeat", WE WIN




Anonymous ID: ca3452 Sept. 12, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.2997567   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Now that's the kind of CLIMAX I expect from this movie Q keeps talking about

Someone's read their Fountainhead

Maybe it was Rand Paul's idea

Maybe it was Ron Paul's intention when he named his son after the author and raised him to be one of the greatest patriots of all time