Epic Battle jam for this evening's bread.
Safe for work/fam
Epic Battle jam for this evening's bread.
Safe for work/fam
Nice try demoralizer fag. I'll tell NoName nothing's happening. The IV was fake. All the CEOs/politicians resigning…more BS no doubt. Either you're a quittter..in which case GTFO we're in a fight and we need fighters not sissies with no heart, or you're disinfo…either way, take your crepepaper panties and get off to a nice easy sandy place where you can put your head in the ground and your ass where the enemy can have some fun…cuz you're a pussy.
Cuz you're gonna need a lot of cheese for all that WHINE Gutless sissy faggot. We helping save the world whether you can see or believe it or not. Let it be said when the cups at Valhalla are raised…you did…NOTHING…and quit.
Worse, you tried to demoralize the troops. GTFO…you are enemy in our midst. Never call yourself a patriot in front of people with spines bitch!