Anonymous ID: dc5da9 Sept. 12, 2018, 5:26 p.m. No.2998039   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8084 >>8162 >>8273 >>8281 >>8298 >>8326 >>8433 >>8444 >>8601




The time has come for me to say goodbye. It’s been an interesting last 10 months since you were first put on my radar. I’ve invested so much of my time, energy, and focus in not just reading your drops, looking into crumbs and research by other anons, but in trying to red-pill my family and friends around me.


I’ve basically alienated myself investing all my hope and trust that what you’re selling is real. In the process, I’ve learned that people in this country have collectively lost their minds. And now, I’m believing that if I continue to follow this/you, I will say the same for myself if I want to be honest with myself.


I’m not waiting around any longer. I’m not “trusting the plan” any longer. It’s always soon. SOON. SOON! … But nothing. Nothing happens. Nothing. Ever. Happens. Q.


See, I’ve been down the rabbit hole for many years now. I want to say it was around 2004 when I first started to question the official narrative regarding September 11th, 2001. Since then, I put my tin-foil hat on tight and went down that rabbit hole at MACH speeds. Anything from the Federal Reserve, to structures on the moon, to “lol Lizard People”. I approached all of it with an open heart and an open mind, accepting that anything and everything is possible, so long as it can be thought of. Now, there’s plenty of things that I eventually brushed off and thought was crazy-talk. I try my best to get as much information from as many sources as possible before coming to my own conclusion with things.


One of my trips down the rabbit hole really got my attention focused on the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation. I invested a lot of time and effort reading up on them, those that mysteriously died around them, and those that have provided large sums of monetary support to them over the years through their foundation. In all honestly, with what I had learned about that and what all was going on with your earliest drops, I was sold on what you had to say, or at least the questions you were asking. I believed in my core that there was truth waiting to be exposed to the public. It was only a matter of time. I felt you had my attention forever.


Now, I’ve lost faith. Not just in you/your team, but everyone else around me. I’m living in a society filled with crazy, closed-minded, short-sighted individuals. “WHERE WE GO ONE, WE GO ALL” is such a great mantra. But because of my unwavering faith and belief in what I’ve let consume my life and belief system, I’m now alone. I’m all alone in an unforgiving world filled with people that care more about themselves than they do anyone else.


I believe we are here on this planet FOR EACH OTHER. But what good does that do when I also believe that we are being programmed to be selfish, greedy, and combative? See, when on 4chan, 8chan, reddit, or wherever else people now gather or have gathered together for this cause you’re selling; it feels like a family. It feels like people care and want to make a difference. But ultimately, it’s nothing more than circle-jerky cheerleading session, changing nothing in the world while everyone pats themselves on the back like something is actually being accomplished.

Anonymous ID: dc5da9 Sept. 12, 2018, 5:26 p.m. No.2998041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8048 >>8084 >>8103 >>8114 >>8134 >>8227 >>8264 >>8305 >>8326 >>8353 >>8371 >>8387 >>8417 >>8418 >>8456 >>8472 >>8495

(2/2) For every one thing we’re being held in suspense on waiting to happen, two more things come up to make me question my president, his associates, and whether or not they themselves are criminals. I don’t like that feeling at all. I’ve always done my best to respect the president and their office. I love my country. “Don’t trust the MSM”, you say. I really never have since I was a teenager. I still don’t. But one thing is for sure : They certainly seem to have enough information day-to-day with enough substance to keep people believing what they’re saying. That’s where my current disconnect is with you and your team. There’s no substance. No meat. Nothing to actually chew on. Instead, we’re expected to stay in a fantasy world of possibilities, believing that if we just keep waiting just a little more, just a little longer, the right moment is going to come and the tables will turn, the script is going to flip, and the world is going to change.


As much as I hope I am wrong, I don’t think that day is going to come anymore. So for that, I am bowing out. I am not going to invest any more of my time, focus, or energy into this. I am going to accept the world for what it is and enjoy the time I have with my family and friends TODAY, instead of being alone, hoping they’ll all be proven wrong and shown the light TOMORROW.


This may or may not go down as the greatest LARP of all time. Man, is it on-point. I’ve been nothing short of captivated by it. So kudos to you and your team for that. But all good things come to an end. It was good entertainment. But it’s cost me those that are dearest to me. And frankly, they’re more important to me than anything. I waited and waited for that one BOOM victory. All it would have taken to keep my allegiance was ONE REAL SUBSTANTIAL BOOM. But, it never came. So in my life, there will be no more drops. There will be no more crumbs. There will be no more Q. Because you’re just another character in the play of life, tucked away somewhere in the internet universe. And I’ve come to terms with that.


I’m going to start repairing relationships. I’m going to start focusing on my life and those around me and do everything I can to make this world a better place around me. But I’m certainly not going to spend another second of my time waiting on anything else that comes from the Qsphere. I’ll be enjoying the show, but not the one you’re advertising.


It was fun, Q. Godspeed.

