Today, I felt a great disturbance in the Great Awakening, as if millions of plebs suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced on plebbit. I fear something terrible has happened.
Unfortunately, it hit me (though I thought it was an ulcer). This truly might make me a marked Anon. Today we learn of yet another resignation. This time Je[f]f F[a]ger, top-dog at 60 Minutes. Yesterday, Le[s] Moo[n]ves. These are BIG names of powerful people. Perhaps it started with Har[v]ey [W]einstein, but we have the list of resignations compiled…you get the point. It's not only industry, but business and politics as well. What would make a man, who became [S]peaker of the {house} at a young age, not run for re-election?
Perhaps the threat of public disclosure of once secret sex peccadillos, fetishes or crimes. Crimes committed against every type of human being, whether a young child, young adult or fully matured adult. Punishable crimes.
What could make grown adults, including experienced LE agents be unable to sleep at night? Witnessing said crimes, at least on {A}nthon[y] [W]eine[r]'s laptop.
You think you're hot shit don't you! [screaming] Listen up [screaming] What's my name? [screaming Dad] What's my name? My other name! What do you call me? [screaming Dad] I am your father. From now on you will call me your father! [screaming Dad] Shut Up! You will call me your father! [screaming] What is my name huh? What do I want you to call me? I want to hear it! [Screaming Daddy] Say it, I want to hear it. Say it again! Yeah, that's right. I'm your daddy now…I'm your fucking daddy now!
Why might the [c]a[b]al have targeted Gen[e]ral [F]lynn so hard? Does anyone remember the rumors he was handed a list of known 'people involved' in said crimes? His son famously twatted about P[i]z[z]a G[a]te, and then all hell broke loose. I think [F]lynn Jr. was forced to leave his position with the WH.
The cabal is fighting on all fronts to keep us unaware of the sheer scale of the N.[X].[I].{V}.M scandal…it goes far above [K]eith R[a]niere, whose nothing but a slick front-man to a much larger heirarchy.
In someway, this will connect to what's on {A}nthon[y] [W]eine[r]'s infamous laptop, and I'm guessing will touch the C[l]in[t]on F[o]un[d]ation. We, Joe-Public, have absolutely NO CLUE how massive this is, yet…..and we may never, as per Q, it would most certainly send most normies to the hospital were they to view the material…..[H]RC raw vid 5:5.
N.[X].[I].{V}.M was even able to 'sponsor' a sit-down with the Da[l]ai Lam[a] to help lend it credibility
One of the LOUDEST never-Trumpers was N[Y] AG [E]ric [S]chneiderman. First, a hero of the left…but after his slaves, I mean girlfriends, disclosed his abuse he quickly resigned in disgrace. I think it's already open-source public-domain news that he put a stop, or dramatically slowed, investigations into N.[X].[I].{V}.M. I suspect never-Trumper [P]reet Bh[a]rar[a] will be shown to be involved in some capacity.
Though it's been a while, and I'm operating only on memory until I view it again, I'm now convinced Stanley Kubrik's E[y]es W[i]de S[h]ut was anything but a fictional depiction of a secret society. It has EVERYTHING to do with what we are seeing play out with the resignations and he meant it as a WARNING to those who were able to LISTEN. It was the only way Stanley K[u]brick could try to warn others about 'organizations' like N.[X].[I].{V}.M. As I wasn't 'woke' when I first saw it, I'll be digging it out for another run of viewings shortly. I'm sure I'll catch tons of symbolism I originally missed.
In E[y]es W[i]de S[h]ut the two ladies who escort Tom Cruise [playing Dr. William Harford] through the party are taking him to "where the rainbow ends." Makes me think of The Wizard of Oz, which was also loaded with symbolism. As you can see from the pictures of the movie's poster and DVD cover, Nicole Kidman's character, Alice Harford, is giving the 'eye of horus,' the 'all seeing eye,' associated with the [I]llumi[n]ati.
N.[X].[I].{V}.M & E[y]es W[i]de S[h]ut are where I feel we need to dig, and dig deeply. I think we'll hit pay-dirt.