The Deep State Biblically Revealed Pt 2
In Part 1 of this article I laid a foundation for understanding that the Deep State we see revolting against the liberty and freedom of Americans is seen in Psalm 2. This rebellion and lust for tyrannical power is really against God and His people.
We have witnessed this very thing in America. Our enlightened judges have created rights out of thin air and have purposely refashioned America into their debauched vision. Consider for example these court cases and the results.
1962 Engel vs. Vitale resulted in the removal of prayer from public schools.
1963 Abington School District vs. Schempp resulted in the removal of Bible reading from public schools.
1973 Rowe vs. Wade ruled abortion a constitutional right and has resulted in the murder of over 50 million unborn children.
1980 Sone vs. Graham removed the Ten Commandments from public schools and government buildings.
2013 United States vs. Windsor nullified the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).
2015 Obergefell vs. Hodges ruled sodomite unions legal across America.
What verse 3 really says is "Let us be free to commit every kind of sin our minds can imagine. Let us be our own judges, let us be our own gods. We do not need God."
A nation that has gleefully murdered 70 million and counting preborn human beings, that celebrates the pride of unconscionable sexual deviancy, that teaches children they can choose which gender they want to be, that sells human beings for the fulfillment of the sexual fantasies of those willing to pay for them, and who tells its citizens that it must continue to finance an out of control oligarchy called the US Federal Government is ripe for judgment.