Anonymous ID: 7cd1dc Sept. 12, 2018, 8:32 p.m. No.3001183   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Something big is coming’: French aid worker in Aleppo says Syrians bracing for US attack (VIDEO)


A major US military escalation in Syria would be “based on lies” and will have “terrible” consequences for Syrians, a French aid worker in Aleppo told RT, adding that Washington seems determined to prolong the war at any cost.


Pierre Le Corf, the founder of the NGO ‘We Are Superheroes’, has lived for nearly three years in Aleppo – but he said that Western governments, including his home country of France, have provided a distorted picture of the reality on the ground.


“In Aleppo, people are trying to rebuild their lives, and they need to believe that [the war] is over. But we know that something big is coming,” he told RT when asked about Washington’s repeated threats of military action if the Syrian Army attempts to recapture Idlib province, the last Al-Qaeda stronghold in the country.


He said that the United States and its allies were using humanitarian concerns as a pretense for prolonging the bloody, seven-year conflict, adding that a major US military escalation in the country would be “based on lies” and would be “terrible for all Syrians.”


“What may happen may be catastrophic,” he said.


“We can see what the Americans are trying to do. Two years ago we got about 30 Tomahawk [missiles] launched at the country, a year ago we got one hundred missiles from France, America, and the UK, and now we know that something big is going to happen… They don’t want to see the war getting over.”


Le Corf noted that the US wants to prolong the war at any cost because it likely fears that if Idlib falls, northwestern Syria would be

Anonymous ID: 7cd1dc Sept. 12, 2018, 8:36 p.m. No.3001253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1399 >>1610 >>1673

US destroyer arrives in Mediterranean as Syria tensions rise


With the arrival of another guided missile destroyer to the Mediterranean, the US may have 200 ‘Tomahawks’ ready for a strike on Syria, as Russia warns that jihadist groups in Idlib are planning a fake chemical attack.


The USS Bulkeley (DDG-84), an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, entered the Mediterranean through the Straits of Gibraltar on Wednesday, the Russian news agency Interfax reported citing international maritime monitoring data. A Gibraltar-watcher confirmed the destroyer’s transit on September 12.


With the arrival of the Bulkeley, the US forces in the region have up to 200 ‘Tomahawk’ cruise missiles available to strike targets in Syria if ordered to do so, Interfax reported. Last week, the attack submarine USS Newport News (SSN-750) arrived in the Mediterranean as well.


Last week, Russia conducted massive naval maneuvers off the Syrian coast, culminating in marine landing drills and missile launches. The presence of Russian ships in the area was seen as a possible deterrent to further US military action against Syria.


Washington has repeatedly claimed that the government in Damascus is preparing chemical attacks against civilians in the Idlib province, the last remaining bastion of jihadist rebel groups. The most powerful of these groups is Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra; it is an affiliate of Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization the US holds responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001. The White Helmets, a self-proclaimed civil defense group that operates solely in rebel-held areas, also have a presence in Idlib.


Russia has accused the White Helmets of staging a chemical attack in Idlib in order to provoke a Western military intervention in Syria. The group has already filmed at least nine videos intended to serve as evidence of claims that Damascus has used chlorine against civilians in Idlib, the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria said on Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: 7cd1dc Sept. 12, 2018, 8:40 p.m. No.3001324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1385 >>1399 >>1539 >>1610 >>1673 >>1723

EU will give social media giants 1hr to remove extremist content under new law


The European Union chief executive has proposed a new law which would require Google, Facebook, Twitter and other online platforms to remove extremist content within one hour or face a fine.


“One hour is the decisive time window the greatest damage takes place,” said Jean-Claude Juncker in his annual State of the Union address to the European Parliament.


Those who fail to remove extremist content within the one hour limit could face a fine of up to 4 percent of their annual global turnover, which could equal $4billion for Google alone. 


The one-hour timeline is a significant step up from the three months internet companies were given in March to show they were acting faster to take down radical posts. Now, EU regulators say too little is being done without legalisation forcing them to take action.


The proposed law states that the European Commission wants any content flagged by authorities for inciting or advocating extremist offences, promoting extremist groups, or showing how to commit such acts, to be removed within one hour.


To become law, the proposal will need backing from EU countries and the European Parliament. Media companies will also be required to develop new tools to locate abusive content and provide annual transparency reports to show their progress.


“We need strong and targeted tools to win this online battle,” Justice Commissioner Vera Jourova said of the new rules.