If you're not sitting between a case of Jack Daniels and Depends… you ain't NIGHTSHIFT.
I'm neither, but mad respect to you who are!!
If you're not sitting between a case of Jack Daniels and Depends… you ain't NIGHTSHIFT.
I'm neither, but mad respect to you who are!!
Then he wears an apron while he gets smacked in the ass with a paddle too newfag.
too gotdam many that's how many.
"I got a secret that you don't know"… but you can goog it…pfft… uber gay!!
feet that ugly with shoes… def needs socks!!
New here? click the red numbers above ^^
Best method of cleaning Jack Daniels off a keyboard… quicklike???
that'll ruin my blow!!
"Jack off of a keyboard" … not jack off a keyboard
Let's let the newfags earn their keep.
Alice = HRC
Wonderland = SA
Godfather III = Vatican
Iron Eagle = ???
Still hit it 'doh!
I'll rub while you tug!!
So THAT'S how they get yeast infections?!?!?
How do I up-vote posts??
-Every newfag EVER
between your moms butthole and her bagina
KEK!!! you racist fuk!!
Lost? You must be looking for BLM. They're the next post over…>>>
So that's where I left my tootsie-roll? Thank you anon!!
"Racist" a made up person invented in 1249 BCE by the Sumerians who encountered foreigners who don't want to play by the rules.
They called them "Akkadians" back then though.